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But she briefly consented, and Percival, allowed a brief interview with Helen, had the rapture to see her smile in a delight as childlike as his own at the news he communicated, and listen with swimming eye when he dwelt on the walks they should take together amidst haunts to become henceforth dear to her as to himself. Fairyland dawned before them.

"What art thou saying, boght millish?" my mother had asked, and after a moment in which she seemed to listen in rapture, my darling had answered: "Hush! I am speaking to mamma telling her I am leaving Isabel with Christian Ann. And she is saying she is very glad." We walked round to the front of the house until we came close under the window of "Mary O'Neill's little room," which was wide open.

Esmond aware that he was to enjoy the rapture of an embrace there. Having saluted one cheek, she turned to him the other. "Cousin Harry," said both the other ladies, in a little chorus, "we thank you for your noble conduct;" and then Harry became aware that the story of the Lille affair had come to his kinswomen's ears. It pleased him to hear them all saluting him as one of their family.

She has her estates back, and he was only hiding until she got them. I know the funniest thing!" Annabel hooked her finger and led me to a small study or cabinet at the end of the drawing-room. A profusion of the most beautiful stuffs was arranged there for display. "Look!" the witch exclaimed, pinching my wrist in her rapture.

There was the same glorious sun raining down his golden beams upon the yellow poplar leaves, the same air, sweet and genial, in him the same heart, and before him the same face, but sweeter it seemed, and eyes the same that danced with every sunbeam and lured him on. He was living again the rapture of his boyhood's first great passion. At the mine's mouth he paused.

Foster remarked that Brown was shot dead. Oh, there was no excitement about it he merely "remarked" the small circumstance! The music, dancing and Teutonic maidens awakened memories of Faderland until our German friend was carried away with rapture. He evidently had money, and was spending if freely.

"Dash it!" he said, first fumbling in one waistcoat pocket, and then ledging the portfolio against a step and fumbling in both waistcoat pockets simultaneously. "I must have left it in my other clothes." It is doubtful whether his conscience troubled him. But he had a very exciting sense of risk and of romance and of rapture, as though he had done something wonderful and irremediable. "Ah!

Far into middle life I never saw beautiful dancing without a rapture of enthusiasm, and used to repeat from memory whole dances after seeing Duvernay or Ellsler, as persons with a good musical ear can repeat the airs of the opera first heard the night before.

He enters into nice calculations; he digests sagacious reasonings. In imagination he declaims or describes, impressed with the deepest sympathy, or elevated to the loftiest rapture. He makes a thousand new and admirable combinations.

And when this fact emerged that the other Bailie was to be left even for five minutes at their disposal Speug threw Howieson's bonnet to the end of the compartment, with his own following in a rapture of joy.