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Orthoclase is orthoclastic and monoclinic; all the other feldspars are plagioclastic and triclinic. That variety of the Feldspar Group which is called Anorthite has been shown by Rammelsberg to occur in a meteoric stone, and his analysis proves it to be almost identical in its chemical proportions to the same mineral in the lavas of modern volcanoes.

At the factory of Mitchell and Rammelsberg common chairs are the principal manufacture, and are turned out at the rate of 2500 a week, worth from 1l. to 5l. a dozen. Rocking-chairs, which are only made in perfection in the States, are fabricated here, also chests of drawers, of which 2000 are made annually.

We are now to see the deplacement of at least a great body of earth in another light, by having at the same time in our view both the cause and the effect. Nothing can give a more proper example of this than the mine of Rammelsberg; and no description better adapted to give a clear idea than that of M. de Luc, which I shall now transcribe. Lettres Phisiques et Morales, Tome 3. p. 361 to 364.

I have been in the Hartz, under Rammelsberg; glided, as on Russian mountains, at Hallein, through the mountain, from the top down to the salt-works; wandered about in the catacombs of Rome and Malta: and what does one see in the deep passages? Gloom darkness! What does one feel? Cold, and a sense of oppression a longing for air and light, which is by far the best; and that we have now."

«Ce peu d'inclinaison des filons du Rammelsberg rappelleroit l'idée des couches formées de dépôts successifs, s'ils étoient parallèles. Mais leur manque de parallélisme en tout sens exclut cette explication. Car dans toutes les montagnes qui doivent leur formation aux dépôts des eaux, les couches sont parallèles; et l'on sent bien qu'elles doivent l'être.

«Deux filons principaux occupent les mineurs dans le Rammelsberg: filons immenses, car ils ont jusqu'

«La nature des filons du Rammelsberg est aussi différente de celle de Claustbat que l'est leur situation. C'est un massif compacte, et presque partout le même, de minéral de plomb et argent pauvre, pénétré de pyrite sulphureuse.