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Lance at the call turned round, and was just in time to save himself from an ugly blow by catching Ralli's uplifted arm in his left hand.

May had, in fact, at that moment entered the room with a happy laugh; but catching sight of Ralli, the laugh was broken off short, and she sought shelter and safety by her mother's side, from which she manifested a very decided disinclination to move at Ralli's invitation.

"She ought to be pretty well used to it by this time. Only a tar. It ought to be Ralli's answer about the new rivets. . . . Great Heavens!" Hitchcock jumped to his feet. "What is it?" said the senior, and took the form. "That's what Mother Gunga thinks, is it," he said, reading. "Keep cool, young 'un. We've got all our work cut out for us. Let's see.

"She ought to be pretty well used to it by this time. Only a tar. It ought to be Ralli's answer about the new rivets. . . . Great Heavens!" Hitchcock jumped to his feet. "What is it?" said the senior, and took the form. "that's what Mother Gunga thinks, is it," he said, reading. "Keep cool, young 'un. We've got all our work cut out for us. Let's see.

There are the stores of every kind also to be got on board in short, I should like to have the craft in a state of readiness to go to sea directly she leaves the stocks. But I really don't see how it is to be managed; we shall never be able to do a quarter of what we want without arousing Ralli's suspicions." "Oh, bless you, sir! yes, you will," said Dickinson confidently.

Lance had been watching Ralli's operations, first with curiosity and afterwards with anxiety, for he soon saw that the man knew nothing whatever about handling heavy guns. He now saw that the gun which was about to be hoisted was wrongly slung, and that an accident was likely enough to result.

Before the day was over most of the prisoners, excepting those belonging to the Galatea party, had had enough of Ralli's colt, and signified their readiness to join the "Brotherhood;" they were accordingly sworn in at nightfall on their return from work.

The result of this consultation was that when the four men resumed work they had a great deal to say after answering numberless anxious inquiries as to the state of the wounded man upon the subject of Ralli's treatment of Lance and his threat to flog him.

It has always presented itself to me as an undertaking of a decidedly desperate character; and now it appears more so than ever, having regard to the very disagreeable change in Ralli's treatment of us. The only question in my mind is one of duty duty to our country and to the world at large.

This most unfortunate state of affairs had prevailed for nearly a fortnight, during which Ralli's arrangements for the entire completion of the schooner whilst yet upon the stocks had been pressed vigorously forward, when Dickinson found himself in a position to announce to the Greek that another three days would see the schooner ready for sea, and that a sufficient number of men being now at liberty to proceed with the work the time had arrived for the laying-down of the ways and the construction of the cradle.