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Updated: November 10, 2024
"Prinkin' and lookin' that beautiful ye wouldn't know her. But the width and the thickness of her" here the wrinkled fingers measured the increase with a half circle in the air "and the way she's plumped out not in one place, but all over well, I tell ye, ye'd be astonished! She knows it, too, bless her heart! I don't blame her.
"I reckon they haven't much to do at home, or are hard put for company, to travel six miles in the snow to show off their prinkin' to a lot of idle louts shiny with bear's grease and scented up with doctor's stuff," added the girl, shrugging her shoulders, with a touch of her father's mood and manner.
"What's the matter?" said Maggie, starting slightly. "How you do skeer one." "Who's been prinkin', eh?" "My ha'r was in kinks all along o' that hat," said Maggie, with a return of higher color, "and I had to straighten it. It's a boy's hat, not a girl's." "But that necktie and that gown and all those frills and tuckers?" continued Jim generalizing, with a rapid twirling of his fingers over her.
Snow, you ARE pretty! I should think you'd know it when you looked at yourself in the glass." "The glass!" snapped the sick woman, falling back on her pillow. "Yes, well, I hain't done much prinkin' before the mirror these days and you wouldn't, if you was flat on your back as I am!" "Why, no, of course not," agreed Pollyanna, sympathetically.
"Sally Kittridge, Sally Kittridge," called her mother, "how long will you stay prinkin'? come down this minute." "Law now, mother," said the Captain, "gals must prink afore such times; it's as natural as for hens to dress their feathers afore a thunder-storm."
Nevertheless, her evident pleasure in the meeting seemed to him only obtrusive coquetry. "Lordy! I reckoned to git here afore you'd get through fixin' up, and in time to do a little prinkin' myself, and here you're out already." She laughed, glancing at his clean shirt and damp hair. "But all the same, we kin have a talk, and you kin tell me all the news afore the other wimmen get up here.
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