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The erect, energetic, powerful man, head high, with a challenge in his face, looking out into early morning, is very typical of the white man and the victorious march of his civilization. His horse steps lightly, prancingly, and there is admirable expression of physical vigor and hopeful expectation.

The team of fine horses sprang away prancingly over the hard snow. Cherokee had on his $500 overcoat of baby sealskin. The laprobe that he drew about them was as warm as velvet. Bobby slipped a cigarette from his pocket and was trying to snap a match. "Throw that cigarette away," said Cherokee, in a quiet but new voice. Bobby hesitated, and then dropped the cylinder overboard.

D'ye mind that I mean, look ye well to it!" "What should they know of England who only England know?" said Miaow. "Is that a conundrum?" asked the Moo Kow. "No; it's poetry," said the Miaow. "I know England," said Pi Bol prancingly. "I used to go from the Bank to Islington three times a day I mean," he added hurriedly, "before I became a screw I should say, a screw-gun horse."

You had a few hours for rest after that before the grand entry. Ah, that grand entry! That was something to live for. No matter how bad the roads or how hard the hills had been Calico forgot it all during those ten delightful minutes when, with his heart beating time to the rat-tat-tat of the snare drum, he swung prancingly around the yellow arena.

And presently when Peggy, no more than healthfully excited by her hard morning's work on the cellar, came prancingly out to enjoy more of her guest's society, she found her curled up, asleep, one hand under her cheek, looking about ten years old and very peaceful. "Isn't she the darling!" she breathed to her mother. "She is that!" said Mrs. O'Mara heartily.

The team of fine horses sprang away prancingly over the hard snow. Cherokee had on his $500 overcoat of baby sealskin. The laprobe that he drew about them was as warm as velvet. Bobby slipped a cigarette from his pocket and was trying to snap a match. "Throw that cigarette away," said Cherokee, in a quiet but new voice. Bobby hesitated, and then dropped the cylinder overboard.

But the door, owing to circumstances over which nobody but the black dog had any control, flew violently open here, and Allan had a flying vision of his wife, flushed, laughing, and badly mussed, being railroaded across the room by a prancingly exuberant French bull at the end of a leash.