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The enthusiasm of the women fell. Some expressed their contempt with "Pouah!" for the loves of common people did not interest them. The doctor continued: "Three months ago I was called to the deathbed of the old chair-mender. The priest had preceded me. She wished to make us the executors of her will. In order that we might understand her conduct, she told us the story of her life.

If you will do this you will lessen the injury your anger has done me; perhaps you will save my life. My daughter! oh, monsieur, give me back my daughter!" "I shall decamp," he said; "the house is not habitable. A mother and daughter talking and arguing like that! Broooouh! Pouah! A fine New Year's present you've made me, Eugenie," he called out. "Yes, yes, cry away!

"I am watching for both of us; and if I see a chance, I come at once, and you act." But the outer door had hardly closed, when suddenly the countenance of Marius de Tregars changed. Shaking the hand which M. d'Escajoul had just touched, "Pouah!" he said with a look of thorough disgust, "pouah!" And noticing Maxence's look of utter surprise,

The enthusiasm of the women fell. Some expressed their contempt with "Pouah!" for the loves of common people did not interest them. The doctor continued: "Three months ago I was called to the deathbed of the old chair-mender. The priest had preceded me. She wished to make us the executors of her will. In order that we might understand her conduct, she told us the story of her life.

But if you should consider the spider with a strong microscope, you would be astonished at the finish of his members, at their admirable arrangement, and even at their elegance." "It disgusts me," interrupted the commodore brusquely. "Pouah!" It had turned over in his fingers. "Oh! I don't know why," he declared, "spiders have always frozen my blood!" Dr.

"A good dinner is a good thing; but always the same dinner, without extras or additions pouah! Too many truffles. I want some corned beef and cabbage. I know the bill of fare by heart, you see.

To dwell in the midst of his business; to be constantly subjected to the contact of his employes, to the unkindly comments of a crowd of subordinates; to expose himself to hourly annoyances, to sickening solicitations, to the reclamations and eternal complaints of his stockholders and his clients! Pouah! He'd have given up the business first.

Delivered Paris to the allies indeed!" continued the Duchesse with ever-increasing indignation and volubility, "betrayed Bonaparte, then licked the boots of the Czar of Russia, of the Emperor, of King Louis, of all the deadly enemies of the man to whom he owed his very existence. Pouah! I hate Bonaparte, but men like Ney and Berthier and de Marmont sicken me!