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The question next demanding our attention is do the sacrifices which are made incident to our phyletic activities receive a compensation? The most striking solution of this question would be a personal solution. Let any young man ask his parents if they have been compensated for all the sacrifices they have made for him.

It may be stated as a general biological truth that, nature demands sacrifice or work on the part of all living organisms; and, under normal conditions, metes out a compensation commensurate with the sacrifice made. Sacrifice and Compensation in the Phyletic Activities. a. =Lower Organisms.= As an example of a lower organism we may take the amoeba.

Those directed towards the maintenance of self are called egoistic activities, while those directed to the maintenance of the race are called phyletic activities. The Egoistic Activities. The term egoistic implies that the effort is directed towards the ego or self, and includes all of those activities directed to the support, protection, defense and development of oneself.

PHYLETICALLY. In accordance with the phylum or race; racially. PHYLETIC. Pertaining to a race or clan. PHYLOGENY. The history of the evolution of a species or group; tribal history; ancestral development as opposed to ontogeny or the development of the individual. PHYLUM. A term introduced by Haeckel to designate the great branches of the animal and vegetable kingdoms.

However, in so far as these considerations of personal welfare enter into the compensation of the parents for the sacrifices that they have made for their offspring, in just so far do we remove these considerations from the realm of the phyletic and place them within the realm of the egoistic.

Few purer types of the rehearsal by the individual of the history of the race can probably be found even though we can not yet analyze the many elements involved and assign to each its phyletic correlate. In an interesting paper Dr.

Thus we see that the building and maintenance of orphanages, hospitals, asylums and "homes," are activities that belong clearly to the group of phyletic or altruistic activities. Sacrifice and Compensation in Egoistic Activities. The thoughtful student is very likely to ask Why does man till the fields? Why does man fell the forest trees? Why does he cultivate domestic animals?

Secondly, heredity, which lays its heavy ictus upon some neglected forms of activity and fails of all support for others, has been ignored. As we shall see later, one of the best norms here is phyletic emphasis, and what lacks this must at best be feeble; and if new powers are unfolding, their growth must be very slow and they must be nurtured as tender buds for generations.

The same causes, which produce individual growth, especially climate and nourishment, also produce the organic growth of organisms, that is, transmutation, which is but a continuation in the progeny of individual growth, through the transmission of the characteristics acquired during the lifetime of the individual." Hence, transmutation is simply a physiological process, a phyletic growth.

"There no longer exists," he says, "a 'missing link. The phyletic continuity of the primate stem, from the oldest lemurs down to man himself, is an historical fact." It should, perhaps, be added that the force of this rather startling conclusion rests by no means exclusively upon the finding of pithecanthropus and the other fossils, nor indeed upon any paleontological evidence whatever.