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The man said he could not do that buying and selling were two different things. Lupin's conduct during the period he has been in Mr. Perkupp's office has been most exemplary. My only fear is, it is too good to last. April 9. We accepted of his kindness, and he stayed to supper, an occasion I thought suitable for trying a bottle of the sparkling Algera that Mr.

Perkupp, has become content to settle down and follow the footsteps of his father. This is a comfort. Lupin is discharged. We are in great trouble. Lupin gets engaged elsewhere at a handsome salary. May 13. A terrible misfortune has happened: Lupin is discharged from Mr. Perkupp's office; and I scarcely know how I am writing my diary.

Lupin said: "Why, he has settled over 10,000 pounds on Daisy, and the same amount on 'Lillie Girl. If at any time I wanted a little capital, he would put up a couple of 'thou' at a day's notice, and could buy up Perkupp's firm over his head at any moment with ready cash."

Lupin said: "What price Perkupp now? You take my tip, Guv. 'off' with Perkupp and freeze on to Gylterson, the firm of the future! Perkupp's firm? The stagnant dummies have been standing still for years, and now are moving back. I want to go on. In fact I must go OFF, as I am dining with the Murray Poshs to-night."

Perkupp's letter, and he got up as quickly as possible. I begged of him not to put on his fast-coloured clothes and ties, but to dress in something black or quiet-looking. Carrie was all of a tremble when she read the letter, and all she could keep on saying was: "Oh, I DO hope it will be all right." For myself, I could scarcely eat any breakfast.

Imagine my dismay when he replied with a loud guffaw: "It's no use. If you want the good old truth, I've got the chuck!" August 7. Mr. Perkupp has given me leave to postpone my holiday a week, as we could not get the room. This will give us an opportunity of trying to find an appointment for Willie before we go. The ambition of my life would be to get him into Mr. Perkupp's firm. August 11.