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Panting, he blindly stumbled on, mindful only of the momentous fact that Pax's secret was not lost.

From the landing stage of the Ring Bennie could see stretching away to the east, west, and south, the interminable plains, dotted with firs, which had formed the natural barrier to the previous discovery of Pax's secret.

It seemed to have legs and arms, an odd mushroom-shaped head, and endless ribs. Below and at its feet were other and vaguer shapes flat domes or cupolas, bombproofs perhaps, buildings of some sort Pax's home beyond peradventure. As he looked through the glasses at the skeleton-like tower Bennie had an extraordinary feeling of having seen it all before somewhere.

And so Thornton had to begin at the beginning and tell Hooker all about the mysterious messages and the phenomena that accompanied them. He enlarged upon Pax's benignant intentions and the great problems presented by the proposed interference of the United States Government in Continental affairs, but Bennie swept them aside.

Tottie selected a moderate slab of the indigestible cake, and sat down on a stool to eat it with as much patience as she could muster in the circumstances. Peter Pax's remarks, whatever else they might have been considered, possessed the virtue of brevity. He soon sat down amid much applause, and Mr Sterling rose to speak.

That faithful guardian of the night, having been roused by the unwonted yells, and having heard Pax's footsteps, had followed him up. "I'm not a burglar, sir," pleaded Pax, not well knowing what to say. Suddenly he opened his mouth in desperation, intending to give one final yell, which might scare Bones from his impending fate, but it was nipped in the bud by the policeman's strong hand.

Pax's suggestion was acceded to, and the ambassadors and ministers were given unrestricted latitude in drawing the treaty that should abolish war forever. Now that he had been won over no one was more indefatigable than Von Koenitz, none more fertile in suggestions.

They felt that there could be no objection to endeavouring to ascertain the source of Pax's power the law of self-preservation seemed to indicate such a course as necessary. And it had, in fact, already been discussed vaguely by several less conspicuous delegates.