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The lady was pretending not to listen to him, looking at the villas and the gardens at the left of the road sloping down toward the sea. With noble magnanimity, however, the driver still wished to instruct his indifferent clients, showing them with the point of his whip the beauty and wonders of his repertoire. "That church is S. Maria del Parto, sometimes called by others the Sannazaro.

My air that De' Amicis used to sing, and the bravura aria "Parto m' affretto," and "Dalla sponda tenebrosa," she sings splendidly. Pray do all you can to insure our going to Italy together. You know my greatest desire is to write operas. I will gladly write an opera for Verona for thirty zecchini, solely that Madlle. Weber may acquire fame by it; for, if I do not, I fear she may be sacrificed.

Santa Maria in Ara Coeli possessed the miraculous little Jesus, the "Bambino," who healed sick children, and Sant' Agostino had the "Madonna del Parto," who grants a happy delivery to mothers. Then others were renowned for the holy water of their fonts, the oil of their lamps, the power of some wooden saint or marble virgin.

On returning from Parto, he remained a long while at Quito, continually feasting and rejoicing; he and his adherents abandoning themselves to every degree of licence and debauchery, particularly in regard to the sex.

After a short stay at Quito, Gonzalo learnt that the viceroy had halted at the city of Parto, about forty leagues from thence, at the frontiers of the government of Benalcazar. Resolving to follow him, Gonzalo pushed on as he had done from San Miguel, and the light troops of the hostile parties had some interference at a place called Rio Caliente.

S.M. "del Parto," Our Lady of Good Delivery, invoked by women in travail. "E per ventura udi 'Dolce Maria! Dinanzi a noi chiamar cosi nel pianto Come fa donna che 'n partorir sia." S.M. "del Popolo." Our Lady of the People. S.M. "della Vittoria." Our Lady of Victory. S.M. "della Pace." Our Lady of Peace.

Ludovico Ariosto ho inteso quanta leticia ha conceputa del felice parto mio: il che mi è stato summamente grato, cussi lo ringrazio de la visitazione, et particolarmente di havermi mandato il dicto Ms.

When the viceroy was informed of the approach of Gonzalo, he hastily quitted Parto and retired to the city of Popayan at a greater distance from Quito, and was pursued by Gonzalo for twenty leagues beyond Parto. As Gonzalo found that he would have to march through a desert country, altogether destitute of provisions, he here discontinued the pursuit, and returned to Quito.

An Italian version which lies before me is entitled, Canzonetta nuova, sopra la Madonna, quando si partò in Egitto col Bambino Gesù e San Giuseppe, "A new Ballad of our Lady, when she fled into Egypt with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph." It begins with a conversation between the Virgin, who has just arrived from her long journey, and the gypsy-woman, who thus salutes her: And so the story ends.

I remember another print of the same subject, where, in the background, angels are seen preparing the cradle in a cave. I may as well add that the Virgin, in this character of mysterious, and religious, and most pure maternity, is venerated under the title of La Madonna del Parto. Mr.