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Maggie rose from her seat as she threw out this illusory prospect, devoutly hoping that Apollyon was gullible; but her hope sank when the old gypsy-woman said, "Stop a bit, stop a bit, little lady; we'll take you home, all safe, when we've done supper; you shall ride home, like a lady."

An Italian version which lies before me is entitled, Canzonetta nuova, sopra la Madonna, quando si partò in Egitto col Bambino Gesù e San Giuseppe, "A new Ballad of our Lady, when she fled into Egypt with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph." It begins with a conversation between the Virgin, who has just arrived from her long journey, and the gypsy-woman, who thus salutes her: And so the story ends.

The moment a Gypsy-woman has been taught to write there comes upon her a passion for letter-writing. Nothing could be more striking than the contrast between the illiterate locutions and the eccentric orthography of Fenella's letters and the subtle remarks and speculations upon the symbols of nature. the dukkeripen of the woods, the streams, the stars, and the winds.

Their mangy pi-dogs had ventured nearer, to smell sadly at the meat-safes hanging outside our kitchen-tent. A gypsy-woman with splendid eyes and a blue tattooed chin, breakfasted on an adjacent dune with her husband. Men like living hencoops passed in the distance.

"Well," said Miss Robertson when Miss Brunton and her brother got home "well, doctor, has the beauty the gypsy-woman spoke of asked you to marry her yet?" "I don't suppose ladies ever do that," said Mary, "but Lady Louisa might, I am sure, if beauty may be a law to itself." Seeing she got no answer from her host, Miss Robertson said, "And what kind of an evening had you?"