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One side of this is the sleeping apartment, and is entirely hung round with meat-safes, dancing hats, and camel trappings, all adorned with shells and beads. The huts are so small that it must be difficult to lie at full length. I bought a gazelle-trap from these people. It consisted of a circle of thin sticks, 6 or 7 inches across, bound round and round with bark.

Mean frame houses ran on from the store, some surrounded by a narrow yard, and some with verandas covered by mosquito gauze so that they looked like meat-safes. The neighborhood was strangely unattractive, but one could see the sparkling Inlet and the dark forest that rolled back to the shining snow. Jim, sitting in an old rocking-chair, was quietly satisfied. After taking Mrs.

Their mangy pi-dogs had ventured nearer, to smell sadly at the meat-safes hanging outside our kitchen-tent. A gypsy-woman with splendid eyes and a blue tattooed chin, breakfasted on an adjacent dune with her husband. Men like living hencoops passed in the distance.

I needn't have been so cocksure about it, for as will shortly be related that was just exactly what I did do. I made an excellent dinner. Bryce's kitchen and the meat-safes attached proved on investigation to contain enough food for a family.

Then immense works were started for holding up the water which would otherwise have run away to the sea at flood-time and been wasted. We arrive at Cairo very late at night, and when we get to our bedroom we find both beds looking rather like large meat-safes, for they are enclosed in white net curtains. These fall from a top or ceiling resembling that on old four-posters.

In vain I characterized her project as impious, wanton, and indecent in turn. A new hive, something resembling a Swiss chalet was ordered, and with it came two pairs of gauntlets and some veils which looked like meat-safes. Oh yes, and a 'smoker'. The 'smoker' was the real nut. At a distance of five paces this useful invention might have been mistaken for a small cannon.