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Without the guidance of such a spirit, painting and sculpture are but ornamental manufactures; and the works of Raphael and Michael Angelo, considered without reference to the manifestations which they exhibit of moral influence, possess no merit beyond the productions of the ordinary paper-hanger.

He had a beautiful voice. When we sang hymns, he sang off the same book with me. By trade he was a paper-hanger. We had much serious talk together. I walked with him on Sundays. He was a good ten years younger than I was; and, being only a journeyman, his worldly station was below mine. My mother found out the liking that had grown up between us. She told my father the next time he was at home.

M'Quirter, we need hardly say, was a Scotsman a big, broad-shouldered Sawney formidable in 'slacks, as he called his trousers, and terrific in kilts; while Grimes was a native of Swillingford, an ex-schoolmaster and parish clerk, and now an auctioneer, a hatter, a dyer and bleacher, a paper-hanger, to which the wits said when he set up his paper, he added the trade of 'stainer.

Wasn't that the red- haired endman in the second line, the paper-hanger and upholsterer who had carried that exquisite little girl in his arms up to the last moment until Weixler had brutally driven him off to the train? It seemed to the captain as though he could still see the children's astonished upward look at the mighty man who could scold their own father.

"I ought to have stayed at the law, sor; I'd be a magistrate by now a-sittin' on a sheepskin instead of "Where'll I put this big canvas, sor up agin the bow or laid flat? The last coat ain't dry yet," he muttered to himself, touching my picture with his finger in true paper-hanger style. "Oh, yes, I see all ready, sor, ye kin step in. Same place we painted yesterday, sor? up near the mill?

The next entries were: "Flower-shop and livery-stable." They related to his betrothal, when he had plenty of money in his pockets. Then came "furniture dealer and paper-hanger " they were furnishing their house. "Forwarding agents" they were moving into it.

"I will send for the painter and paper-hanger at once," she replied, "but it will take more than a week to get ready." "Pray leave it as it is," he answered. " You can have the floor swept of course," he added with a smile, seeing her look of dismay. "I will sleep here to-night, and we can settle afterward what is to be done to it.

And now, if you will tip back your head like a paper-hanger whose Adam's apple would seem to attest a life of sidereal contemplation you will see in the center of the murk above you a single point of light. It is the spark that will ignite the great gas chandelier. I strain my neck to the point of breaking.

Gondoliers and punters, like poets, are born, not made. My own Luigi comes of a race of gondoliers dating back two hundred years, and punters must spring from just such ancestors. No, if I had to do the poling myself, I should rather get out and walk. "I am a paper-hanger by trade, sor," he began, "but I was brought up on the river and can put a punt wid the best.