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From Bali quantities of dried beef and ox-tongues are exported, and from Lombock a good many ducks and ponies. The ducks are a peculiar breed, which have very long flat bodies, and walk erect almost like penguins. They are generally of a pale reddish ash colour, and are kept in large flocks.

So slim and long were they, of instep so nobly arched, that only with a pair of glazed ox-tongues on a breakfast-table were they comparable. Incomparable quite, the figure and face and vesture of him who ended in them. The Warden was talking to him, with all the deference of elderly commoner to patrician boy.

All the blue flowers, harebells, forget-me-nots, and ox-tongues, whose tines, caught from the skies, blended so well with the whiteness of the lilies, sparkled on this dewy texture; were they not the type of two purities, the one that knows nothing, the other that knows all; an image of the child, an image of the martyr? Love has its blazon, and the countess discerned it inwardly.

She did not know whether to gasp out an apology or remain silent. The latter course commended itself, however, to her, as it ever does to children. "You don't mean to say you have given a grocery order without consulting me, Hugh?" insisted the lady. "Just a little one to see us over to-day," said Hugh. "Half a dozen ox-tongues, half a dozen bars of soap I forget the rest.

"Lord-sakes, sir," he exclaimed, shaking his head in a very grave way, "that be a h'ox-eye!" "Ox-eye!" Mr Chisholm repeated after him in a quizzing tone, with a grin on his face. "I've heard of ox-tongues before those tinned ones ain't bad eating sometimes for lunch on a pinch; but an ox-eye what is that, Draper?"

A large bag of biscuit, and one of flour, several pieces of "hung bacon," some dry ox-tongues, a stock of green coffee, sugar, and salt, were the principal and necessary stores. There were "luxuries," too, which each had provided according to his fancy, though not much of these, as every one of the party had had some time or other in his life a little experience in the way of "roughing it."

On the 8th of October, at eight A. M., the Duke of Buckingham was preparing to send a reply to the fort, and he was already rejoicing "to see his felicity and the crowning of his labors," when, on nearing the citadel, "there were exhibited to him at the ends of pikes lots of bottles of wine, capons, turkeys, hams, ox-tongues, and other provisions, and his vessels were saluted with lots of cannonades, they having come too near in the belief that those inside had no more powder."