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A shell overreaching this latter, from the enemy's field cannon, would, I should say, tumble right into our "zone." But we do not even admit of such a possibility in speaking to each other. Isn't it funny how we continue to deceive ourselves and life is a sham to the last throw?

It was a place in which the wit of young men grew old rapidly; amidst stratagem, and plot, and ambitious design, and stealthy overreaching, the boyhood of Richard III. passed to its relentless manhood: such is the inevitable fruit of that era in civilization when a martial aristocracy first begins to merge into a voluptuous court.

I used to go to church; but his pious face was ever before me, and his psalm-singing ever in my ears. Was it possible to look at him and not think of his grasping, selfish, overreaching conduct in all his business transactions through the week? No, it was not possible for me. And so, in disgust, I gave up my pew, and haven't been to church since."

Lucy's father tapped her on the shoulder. "You're in a church. Behave yourself," he said. "Come, let's be going." It was evident that, notwithstanding the good intentions which all persons concerned had of not overreaching in the sight-seeing business, Lucy, at least, was feeling its effects.

He had abjured the vices of the softer senses, but not that which so seldom wars on the decorums of outer life. He was essentially a money-maker, close, acute, keen, overreaching. Good works with him were indeed as nothing, faith the all in all. He was one of the elect, and could not fall.

But most people apply to industrial pursuits a notion of antagonism derived from ages of warfare, and seek in all manner of ways to cheat or overreach one another. And as in more barbarous times the hero was he who had slain his tens of thousands, so now the man who has made wealth by overreaching his neighbours is not uncommonly spoken of in terms which imply approval.

It is true I had not committed him to Banks & Tressell the suggestions which I had made for the arrangement were all proposed as a something which I might be able to bring about in a future conference with him but I was too anxious to save him from his lamentable folly from that miserable love of money, which, overreaching itself in its blindness, as does every passion was not only about to deliver him to shame but to destitution also.

Descending, gradually, to the introduction of particular forms of overreaching as practised in trade, all of which Mr. C designated as instances of theft, he finally brought forward an instance so nearly resembling the one in which Mr.

In about a month afterwards he paid us another visit, and found us occupied very nearly as before. He took a pipe and a chair and entered into some ordinary conversation. At length I said, "Well, but G , what of the purloined letter? I presume you have at last made up your mind that there is no such thing as overreaching the Minister?"

The art of obtaining the signature of a favorable testament, and sometimes of hastening the moment of its execution, is perfectly understood; and it has happened that in the same house, though in different apartments, a husband and a wife, with the laudable design of overreaching each other, have summoned their respective lawyers to declare at the same time their mutual but contradictory intentions.