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The latter people, whose origin was probably nearly opposite them on the inner surface, had by degrees pushed their frontiers closer and closer to the Oroids.

Finally without warning, except by a sudden freshening of the air, they emerged into the open, and found themselves facing a broad, rolling stretch of country, dotted here and there with trees the country of the Oroids at last. For the first time since leaving their own world the adventurers found themselves amid surroundings that at least held some semblance of an aspect of familiarity.

Darkness indeed was impossible in this land; under all circumstances the light seemed the same neither too bright nor too dim a comfortable, steady glow, restful, almost hypnotic in its sameness. They had traveled perhaps six miles from the point where they met their Oroid guide when suddenly the Very Young Man became aware that other Oroids were with them.

"Based on the curvature at Arite it would be about six thousand miles in diameter." "Has this entire inner surface been explored?" asked the Big Business Man. "No, only a small portion. The Oroids are not an adventurous people. There are only two nations, less than twelve million people all together, on a surface nearly as extensive as our own."

"Let's eat here," the Very Young Man suggested, "and take a sleep; we're about all in." "We ought to get larger first," protested the Big Business Man. They were at this time about four times Oroid size; the forest trees, so huge when last they had seen them, now seemed only rather large saplings. "Some one of us must stay awake," the Doctor said. "But there do not seem to be any Oroids up here."

Alone I must do this. Ah, do you not know they say these stranger devils with their magic come for evil? And you too, must you not forget, once were a stranger just as they. That the people know that they remember. "But I I Lylda a woman of the Oroids I am full-blooded Oroid, no stranger. And they will believe me a woman for they know I cannot lie.