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Oppenheim's high authority for this, because he is not generally favourable to the Queen, though even he admits that it 'is a moot point' how far she was herself responsible.

E. Phillips Oppenheim's Novels Thoroughly matured, brilliantly constructed, and convincingly told. London Times. It is rare that so much knowledge of the world, taken as a whole, is set between two covers of a novel. Chicago Daily News. A story of London life that is at once unusual, original, consistent, and delightful. Buffalo Express.

Oppenheim's most fascinating characters, to free his wife from an entanglement with the Order of the Yellow Crayon, give the author one of his most complicated and absorbing plots. A number of the characters of "Mysterious Mr. Sabin" figure in this delightful work. A brilliant and engrossing story of love and adventure and Russian political intrigue.

It remained visible for a few days, and, from Oppenheim's and Hind's calculations, there can be little doubt that it was really the offspring by fission of the body it accompanied.

A revolution, the recall of an exiled king, the defence of his dominion against Turkish aggression, furnish a series of exciting pictures and dramatic situations. In none of Mr. Oppenheim's fascinating and absorbing books has he better illustrated his remarkable faculty for holding the reader's interest to the end than in "The Betrayal."

"Often those who are closely concerned with such tragedies do not observe the evidences of crime as clearly as outsiders." "Where did you get that information?" demanded Patsy. "From one of Anna Doyle Oppenheim's detective stories," answered Beth, seriously. "I've been reading up on such things, lately."

And the fact of recognising that some act of aggression is causing stocks to fall is not important because it may save Oppenheim's or Solomon's money but because it is a demonstration that we are dependent upon some community on the other side of the world, that their damage is our damage, and that we have an interest in preventing it.

And I would that my purse could answer The demands that are made on she! "O well for the millionaire's wife, Who can pay eighty bones for a shawl, And well for the African maids, Who don't need any clothes at all! "And the pennies, they all go To the grocer, and so do the dimes, But, O, for the little crepe meteor dress I saw down in Oppenheim's!

I will bring this chapter to a close by giving Doctor Oppenheim's instructions for overcoming a habit: "If you want to abolish a habit, and its accumulated circumstances as well, you must grapple with the matter as earnestly as you would with a physical enemy.