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She was thankful that all things had arranged themselves so plainly before her. There was planned no farewell meeting at the Parsonage; but Mrs. Gwynne spent at the Dell the evening before Olive's departure. Harold would have come, his mother said, but he had some important matters to arrange; he would, however, appear some time that evening.

I have a short walking-skirt, and I can wear that. Please let me have the bicycle." Mrs. Easterfield made Olive sit down and she talked to her, but there was no changing the girl's determination to go to her uncle, to go alone, and to go immediately. Olive's Bicycle Trip.

"O God, I thank Thee, for Thou hast given me my heart's desire!" Soon after, Mrs. Gwynne entered the room. But no blush came to Olive's cheek too solemn was her joy. "Hush!" she whispered; "do not wake him. He loves me I know it now. You will not be angry? I have loved him always." "I knew it, Olive." Harold's mother stood a long time in silence.

Flora and Harold had both been rigid on that point, and the good nuns reverenced their order too much to admit any one who might have sought it from the impulse of despair, rather than from any pious "vocation." Olive's heart yearned over her sister. On this day she resolved to make one more effort to break the silence between them.

"Moreover, I wrote to Whittenden about him, a week ago. If any one can be of use, it will be Whittenden; he always knows what tonic it is best to prescribe. Must you go?" He looked up at her appealingly. Then the same appeal came into his voice, set it to throbbing with an accent wholly new to Olive's ears.

The poor fragment has been Christianised; a wayside altar sanctifies it, and a little painted shrine to the Madonna adorns the base. The buildings on that side are small and mean and overshadowed by the great yellow palace of the Spinola opposite. Olive's friends lived over a wine shop, but the entrance was some way down the street.

"I will come," he said, smiling. And he came. Moreover, he contrived to keep her beside him. Lyle, poor fellow, went whistling in solitude down the other side of the road, until at the Dell he said goodnight, and vanished. Harold had talked all the way on indifferent subjects, never once alluding to Olive's departure. He did so now, however, but carelessly, as if with an accidental thought.

She was the only child of parents who had early left her an orphan. Her father, who was much her mother's senior, was an old friend of Olive's father, and had made him his executor and the guardian of his daughter. Mr.

"I adored him, all my last two years at college." "Really? Yes, he is Professor Opdyke's son; and people who have seen him lately tell me he is more adorable than ever." "When have you seen him?" For something in Olive's accent made Brenton realize that there was no necessity for any preliminary question concerning the fact that she knew Opdyke well. "Not since the year of his graduation.

It was impossible for Myrtle to be frequently at Olive's without often meeting Olive's brother, and her reappearance with the bloom on her cheek was a signal which her other admirers were not likely to overlook as a hint to recommence their flattering demonstrations; and so it was that she found herself all at once the centre of attraction to three young men with whom we have made some acquaintance, namely, Cyprian Eveleth, Gifted Hopkins, and Murray Bradshaw.