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XVIII. Scout-boat and Channels, XIX. Uchee Indians, XX. A mutiny in the Camp, and attempt at assassination, XXI. Memoir of Tomo-Chichi, XXII. General Oglethorpe's manifesto, XXIII. Fate of Colonel Palmer, XXIV. Account of the siege of St. Augustine, XXV. Spanish invasion, XXVI. Order for a Thanksgiving,

It is a life-sized painting of Captain Richard Carbury, who landed, on the 19th September 1738, in the Colony of Georgia, with General Oglethorpe's regiment. "Opposite to this, on the other side of the gallery, is the portrait of a lady, with black, resolute brows and full, voluptuous mouth and chin. She has a high colour, an exquisite hand and arm, and an Amazonian bearing.

If Oglethorpe had remained in Georgia, it is probable that the curious episode in which Mary took a leading part would never have occurred. Oglethorpe left Georgia on the 23d of July, 1743, and never returned. John Musgrove died shortly afterwards, and Mary married a man named Matthews, who also died. She then married a man named Thomas Bosomworth, who had been chaplain to Oglethorpe's regiment.

He went up this stream as far as Yamacraw Bluff, which he selected as the site of the settlement he was about to make. He marked out the town, and named it Savannah. The site was a beautiful one in Oglethorpe's day, and it is still more beautiful now.

Meanwhile, who was her 'Oglethorpean majesty, and why does the pamphleteer of 1716 talk of 'James Stuart, alias Oglethorpe'? By a strange combination of his bad luck, James is called Miss Oglethorpe's ungrateful lover by Thackeray, and Miss Oglethorpe's brother by the pamphleteer, and by Whig slander in general.

Oglethorpe's Second Voyage to Georgia. These were beautifully printed, in a large type, on nineteen folio pages. They were ascribed to SAMUEL WESLEY, as their author, in the tract entitled "True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia," by P. Telfair and others.

Desmoulins, who were also both ill; it was a sad scene, and he was not in very good humour. He said of a performance that had lately come out, 'Sir, if you should search all the madhouses in England, you would not find ten men who would write so, and think it sense. I was glad when General Oglethorpe's arrival was announced, and we left the ladies. Dr.

I enjoyed the luxury of our approach to London, that metropolis which we both loved so much, for the high and varied intellectual pleasure which it furnishes . I experienced immediate happiness while whirled along with such a companion, and said to him, 'Sir, you observed one day at General Oglethorpe's , that a man is never happy for the present, but when he is drunk.

Oglethorpe had long ere this retired to England, after having kept his promise of reducing the Spaniards to order; and at his home at Cranham Hall in Essex he continued to be the friend of man until after the close of the American Revolution. The war with Spain, of which Oglethorpe's unsuccessful attack upon St.

Shaw, the great traveller , who Mr. He told me, that he was glad that I had, by General Oglethorpe's means, become acquainted with Dr. Shebbeare.