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He first inquires how they come to be there; then tells his own story, or such part of it as he desires them to know. They learn from him that Ocushlu is now his wife; but when questioned about the boy, and what has become of him, he shows reserve, answering, "Oh, Jemmy Button he not of our people; he Tekeneeka.

They have also an "olive-branch," which has been left at the other wigwamery a daughter, who, if she grow up with but the least resemblance to her mother, will be anything but a beauty, Jemmy's "helpmeet" being as ugly as can well be imagined. Withal, she is of a kindly gentle disposition, quite as generous as Ocushlu, and does her best to entertain her husband's guests.

"That does seem odd; just now " "Hark! Hear that? the old fellow has just said `Ocushlu! That's the name the other two gave the girl. What can it mean?" But now the youths' hurried dialogue is brought to an abrupt end. Annaqua has been out-voted, his authority set at nought, and the council broken up.

Eleparu leads the valedictory salute, and Ocushlu waves the red scarf high over her head. A young missionary named Mathews, who had volunteered, was taken out and left with them. But Captain Fitzroy, revisiting Woolya, the intended mission station, a few days after, found Mathews threatened with death at the hands of those he had hoped to benefit.

English officer brought Jemmy back too left him at Woolya that his own country lie out that way;" and he points eastward along the arm. Observing his reticence on the subject of Orundelico, the questioners forbear asking further, while other matters of more importance claim their attention. Meanwhile, Ocushlu is engaged in conversation with Mrs Gancy and Leoline.

What halts them is the sight of the starred and striped flag on the Calypso, which is evidently nothing new to them, however rare a visitor in the harbour of Portsmouth. A circumstance that further surprises Henry is to hear them converse about it in his own tongue. "Look, Ocushlu!" exclaims the man, addressing the girl, "that the same flag we often see in our own country on sealing ships."

Then, hastily divesting himself of his blubber mantle, and shouting back to some one in the rear, he is instantly joined by a woman, who in turn cries out: "Yes, Portsmout'! The Ailwalk' akifka!" "Eleparu! Ocushlu!" exclaims Henry Chester, all amazement; Ned Gancy, equally astonished, simultaneously crying out: "York! Fuegia!"