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I inquired. And then he told me that it was the least objectionable of the candidates for the living here, made vacant by our own parson having been appointed superintendent, the highest position in the Lutheran Church; and the gale must have brought me low indeed for the coming of a solitary parson to give me pleasure.

It is chiefly objectionable, it is wholly deplorable, indeed, when it descends in those sooty particles, the blacks; but in all my London sojourns I have had but one experience of the blacks, and I will not condemn the smoke because of them.

But do not temporize with the desire do not compromise with it refuse to entertain the idea. In a fight of this kind each victory gives one added strength, and each defeat weakens one. And while you are refusing to entertain the objectionable guest you must be sure to grow a desire of an entirely opposite nature a desire directly opposed to the one you are starving to death.

But that the pan supari party to which English were invited was sure to be eminently respectable, while the concluding days would probably be devoted to singing and dancing of the usual dubious kind. Unfortunately, parties to which English are invited by both Hindus and Mohammedans are not always free from objectionable features.

The very objectionable word 'bloody, as it is used by the vulgar, is Mr. Moore's 'standby' in 'Esther Waters, It is very likely that it takes a sort of daring to introduce the word freely into a work of fiction, but the courage does not seem very much more respectable than the word. When I undertook the writing of this series, Mr.

This usage, however, is objectionable, as it tends to narrowness and to divert the mind from other highly important parts of the vocal mechanism. In one sense, the respiratory organs and the resonance-chambers are each as important as the larynx.

Whatever expletives of an objectionable kind may be ascribed to him, I feel persuaded that such rarely entered into his conversation.

He may resent it. The garrulous or impertinent talker is almost as objectionable as the hail-fellow-well-met, slap-on-the-back fellow. Charles Dickens has a record of this kind of American in the book which he wrote after his visit in this country: "Every button in his clothes said, 'Eh, what's that? Did you speak?

And it is astonishing to mark how soon the toning process does its work how soon the most objectionable American girl of the sort known as "fast," or even "loud," softens into a very charming creature who makes the admiration bestowed upon her by European men quite comprehensible. That this admiration is returned is perhaps not less comprehensible.

It is professedly nothing more than an example of those charitable societies which arise in connection with the Catholic faith, and in obedience to its principles, and which require that entire renunciation of the world which to a Protestant mind appears so objectionable.