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As one of the British delegates regretfully observed, "Denique nullum est jam dictum quod non sit dictum prius." But one telegram there was, addressed to the acting-President of the League, and handed in to him in the hall before the session began, which aroused some interest. It remarked, tersely and scripturally, in the English tongue, "I went by and lo he was not."

It is true that he was willing to accept a prince, if one could be found courageous enough and prudent enough to unite dismembered Italy, for in the unity of his native land he saw the only hope of its salvation. Machiavelli is buried in the church of Santa Croce at Florence, beside the tomb of Michael Angelo. His monument bears this inscription: "Tanto nomini nullum par eulogium."

As Ovid advises his lover, when he sits in the Circus near his mistress, to wipe the dust off her neck, even if there be none: 'Si nullus, tamen excute nullum'. Your conversation with women should always be respectful; but, at the same time, enjoue, and always addressed to their vanity.

To men of this stamp, Grotius applies the severe character NULLUM VITAE GENUS ET IMPROBIUS, QUAM EORUM, QUI SINE CAUSAE RESPECTU MERCEDE CONDUCTI, MILITANT. To these mercenary soldiers, as well as to the needy gentry with whom they were mixed in command, and who easily imbibed the same opinions, the success of the late short invasion of England in 1641 was a sufficient reason for renewing so profitable an experiment.

Asinius Gallus tells us that he was formerly a pugilist, in the following epigram. Qui caput ad laevam deicit, glossemata nobis Praecipit; os nullum, vel potius pugilis. Who ducked his head, to shun another's fist, Though he expound old saws, yet, well I wist, With pummelled nose and face, he's but a pugilist.