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To return to our former results with the normal-looking brain: Case after case of the quasi-environmental group proved to be more essentially personal than environmental, until at last it almost seemed that the environment could seldom be blamed for any important share in the process of false belief.

A Comparison of the Mental Symptoms Found in Cases of General Paresis with and without Coarse Brain Atrophy. Submitted to Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1915. Southard. A Series of Normal-Looking Brains in Psychopathic Subjects, American Journal of Insanity, No. 4, April 1913. Southard and Bond.

The wood thrush whose nest-building I have just described, laid only one egg, and an abnormal-looking egg at that very long and both ends of the same size. But to my surprise out of the abnormal-looking egg came in due time a normal-looking chick which grew to birdhood without any mishaps. The late, cold season and the consequent scarcity of food was undoubtedly the cause of so small a family.

All the trains we passed were packed tight with soldiers, herded together like cattle, patient misery painted on their pale, tired faces. Hungry and penniless I arrived at last in Paris, where I was delighted to see a healthy, normal-looking person in the shape of my brother-in-law, Henry, who met me at the station. He had plenty to tell me of his experiences since last September.

He had a big, masculine, solid-cut, self-respecting, normal-looking, executive head covered with thick yellowish hair clipped short; so that while everything else in his appearance indicated that he was in the prime of manhood, the clipped hair caused him to appear still more youthful; and it invested him with a rustic atmosphere which went along very naturally with the sentimental country hat and the all-weather shoes.

The residue of 22 cases was subject to analysis and readily divides itself into two groups of 11 cases each, or two groups of normal-looking brain cases having autopsychic delusions and these only are cases which may be termed the "pleasant" and "unpleasant" groups, in the sense that the delusions in the first group were either pleasant or not unpleasant, whereas the delusions in the second group were of clearly unpleasant character.

Putting these clinical data side by side with the anatomical data, we were speedily able to single out those cases with normal or normal-looking brains and thus to secure a group approximately composed of functional cases of insanity.