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Aluminum, however, seems exempt from this volatility. Hence, and for other reasons, it is generally used for electrodes. If, then, the phenomena in a high vacuum are due to the "electrode matter," the more volatile the metal used, the greater should be the effect. One electrode, A', is of pure silver, a volatile metal; the other, A, is of aluminum, practically non-volatile.

Heated with bromine water to 120°C. it decomposes into bromoform, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and pyridine. Turning now to the non-volatile and oxygenized bases, we take up first the opium alkaloids. Morphine, C H NO , is a tertiary amine, and appears to contain a hydroxyl group like phenols, to which class of bodies it has some analogies, as is shown in its reaction with ferric chloride.

But these are pretty nearly pure superstitions, because it has been found that the substance in the leaves or bark of the shrub which poisons the skin is an oil, which is non-volatile, that is to say, will not give off any vapors to the air and, of course, cannot be dissolved in dew or other watery moisture.

As long ago as 1858, Kirchhoff, by attributing to saline solutions that is to say, to mixtures of water and a non-volatile liquid like sulphuric acid the properties of internal energy, discovered a relation between the quantity of heat given out on the addition of a certain quantity of water to a solution and the variations to which condensation and temperature subject the vapour-tension of the solution.

Finally, Dr Armstrong mentioned that the volatile portion of the distillate from the non-volatile product of the oxidation of oil of turpentine in moist air furnishes ordinary cymene when treated in the manner above described.

The existence of such a wall in all possible cases evidently remains only a very legitimate hypothesis, a fact which ought not to be concealed. Relying solely on this postulate, Professor Van t' Hoff easily established, by the most correct method, certain properties of the solutions of gases in a volatile liquid, or of non-volatile bodies in a volatile liquid.

This action accelerates the reduction, and promotes economy in the process. III., which is a perspective view of a furnace adapted for the reduction of ores and salts of non-volatile metals and similar chemical compounds. Figs. IV. and V. are longitudinal and transverse sections, respectively, through the same, illustrating the manner of packing and charging the furnace.

The vacuum wall is to protect the occupants of the ship against any undue heat. If we should get within the atmosphere of a sun, it would be disastrous if the physical conduction of heat were permitted, for though the relux will turn out any radiated heat, it is a conductor of heat, and we would roast almost instantly. These artificial metals are both absolutely infusible and non-volatile.

Moreover, borax is not a cheap agent, and being non-volatile it is all left behind in the proofed material, whereas wood spirit or methylated spirit is a volatile liquid, i.e. a liquid easily driven off in vapour, and after application to the felt it may be almost all recovered again for re-use.

But with this granted, the simplest alkaloid formulas, those of conine, C H N, and nicotine, C H N , still showed that the amine molecule contained quite complex groups of carbon and hydrogen atoms, and the great majority of the alkaloids the non-volatile ones contained groups in which the three elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, all entered.