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We shall have to open Night-Schools for Scientists, where men who have been deprived of all early advantages may learn the rudiments of English literature. One wishes that Dickens himself might have dealt with their pretensions, but they are since his day. And surely it is time some one started a movement for suppressing illiterate Ph.D.'s.

He had meant to propose a visit to the old Eldorado building, which now at last housed the long-desired night-schools and nursery; but since she had spoken he felt a sudden indifference to showing her anything more. What was the use, if she meant to leave Cicely, and drift out of his reach?

"You are right," said the old man, perceiving at once the sarcasm of my remark, "you are right. I shall never beat my son again." The children of labourers generally attend night-schools, where they receive a sound education for very little money and sometimes even gratis.

He scarce knew his native Italy, it was so unlike the Italy he had left. In every town, and village, and rural district, schools had sprung up since the fall of the Pontifical Government. There were day-schools and night-schools, week-day-schools and Sabbath-schools.

I don't think I have made it sufficiently clear that besides the Sunday-schools and services I have mentioned there are night-schools every evening in the week, which are fully attended by Kafir servants, and where they are first taught to read their own language, which is an enormous difficulty to them.

What he desires, as I understand it, is the complete reconstruction of the present state of things at Westmore; and he is right in saying that all your good works there night-schools, and nursery, and so forth leave that issue untouched." A smile quivered under Mr. Langhope's moustache. He and Amherst both knew that Mr.

"I can't go to school 'cause I've got my livin' to earn. It wouldn't do me much good if I learned to read and write, and just as I'd got learned I starved to death." "But are there no night-schools?" "Yes." "Why don't you go? I suppose you don't work in the evenings." "I never cared much about it," said Dick, "and that's the truth. But since I've got to talkin' with you, I think more about it.

In her eager adoption of his ideas she had made a pet of the mills, organizing the Mothers' Club, laying out a recreation-ground on the Hopewood property, and playing with pretty plans in water-colour for the Emergency Hospital and the building which was to contain the night-schools, library and gymnasium; but even these minor projects which he had urged her to take up as a means of learning their essential dependence on his larger scheme were soon to be set aside by obstacles of a material order.

He will see that all Trades Unions are informed, in night-schools and otherwise, how they have done it.

He established libraries, clubs, swimming-pools, night-schools, lecture-courses. And all this time his business prospered. To the average man it is a miracle how any one individual could bear the heaviest business burdens and still do what Robert Owen did. Robert Owen had vitality plus: he was a gourmet for work.