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From a practical point of view it is important at this place to call attention to the fact that such mild changes are particularly seen in end stages. Even when pronounced negativistic tendencies do not play a prominent rôle, the patient is then apt to be silent chiefly as a result of the residual disorder in the intellectual processes.

About this time she began exposing herself and chewing her finger nails. Four months after admission she was noted as being very resistive and negativistic, allowing saliva to accumulate in her mouth and making no attempt to keep the flies off her. At the same time she would keep in her mouth food that had been put there without chewing it.

By far the commonest cause of muscular movement in these inactive cases is resistiveness, and as a rule the inactivity is interrupted only by negativistic symptoms. If we look for some explanation or correlation of these symptoms, we find that chance references to conduct seem to point in the same direction, namely, to the desire to be left alone.

Two attacks in the same prisoner of what seem to have been typical stupor are reported by Kutner and Chotzen. The patient was a recidivist of unstable mental make-up. At the age of 34 he was sent to prison for three years. Shortly after confinement began, he became stuporous, being mute and negativistic, soiling, refusing food and showing stereotypy.

If he be asked to stand up he will endeavour to remain seated, or if asked to sit he will attempt to rise to his feet. Like many other symptoms of nervous disturbance which we shall study later, this negativistic spirit is often displayed to perfection by little children when the environment is at fault and when grown-up people have too freely exercised authority.

Very often the failure to swallow and anomalous habits of excretion seem to be negativistic in their nature. One thinks at once of the necessity for tube-feeding, which is so common even when patients seem otherwise fairly active. Naturally this form of treatment is necessary only when the patient refuses to swallow.