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Scotsmen, whose dwellings and whose food were as wretched as those of the Icelanders of our time, wrote Latin verse with more than the delicacy of Vida, and made discoveries in science which would have added to the renown of Galileo. Ireland could boast of no Buchanan or Napier.

"Poor old Charley Napier!" as he was affectionately entitled by those who served under his flag officers and men alike, the latter especially almost idolising him for he was ever a good friend to them. He now sleeps his last sleep in the churchyard of Catherington, where he lies safe at anchor, hard by the dwelling where he lived when in the flesh.

It was, therefore, but with a shabby little army of Irish and Lowland foot and a few horse that Montrose, with his group of most resolute friends Lord Napier, the Marquis of Douglas, the Earls of Airlie, Crawfurd, and Hartfell, Lords Ogilvy, Erskine, and Fleming, Colonel Nathaniel Gordon, Sir John Dalziel, Drummond of Balloch, Sir Robert Spotswood, Sir William Rollo, Sir Philip Nisbet, the young master of Napier, and others found himself encamped, on the 12th of September, at Philiphaugh near Selkirk.

The editor of a periodical of public consideration and the Edinburgh Review in the hands of Mr. Napier was the avowed organ of the ruling Whig powers is sorely tested in the same way. The rival house may bribe his stars. His popular epigrammatist is sometimes as full of humours as a spoiled soprano.

How could they who never saw him have discoursed so rightly upon virtue?" From popular want of faith in these infinite resources of daring, it is a common thing for persons of eminent courage to be stigmatized as rash. This has been strikingly the case, for instance, in modern times, with the Marquis of Wellesley and Sir Charles Napier.

It will be easily understood that at this particular moment the foreign trade appeared to possess few advantages, and found few patrons among the Chinese people. In meeting this opposition Lord Napier endeavored to combine courtesy and firmness.

Miss Napier was the eldest of three maiden sisters who kept the principal hostelry of Rothieden, called The Boar's Head; from which, as Robert reached the square in the dusk, the mail-coach was moving away with a fresh quaternion of horses.

There had been signs and warnings, indeed, of the coming storm; but the feeling of security in possession and the confidence of moral strength were so strong, that the signs had been neglected and the warnings disregarded. No one in our time has played the part of Cassandra with more foresight and vehemence than the late Sir Charles Napier.

She was neatly dressed in black silk, with a lace collar. Her hands were small and white. The moment the traveller stopped at the door, Miss Napier started. 'Letty, she said, 'wha's that? I could amaist sweir to Black Geordie's fit.

The Napier Company specialised on one type of engine from the outset, a power plant which became known as the 'Lion' engine, giving 450 horse-power with twelve cylinders arranged in three rows of four each. Considering the engine as 'dry, or without fuel and accessories, an abnormally light weight per horse-power only 1.89 lbs. was attained when running at the normal rate of revolution.