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His mind travelled from the physical purity and hardness before him to the purity and hardness of the inner life the purity that Christ blessed, the "hardness" that the Christian endures. And such thoughts brought him pleasure as he walked the mystic's pleasure. Suddenly he saw a woman cross the snowy green in front of him. She had come from the road leading to the hill, and her pace was hurried.

No one who ever had the pleasure of hearing him discourse about the art of fiction can forget the absolute seriousness of his professional devotion; it was as though a shy celebrant were to turn and explain, with mystical intensity and a mystic's involution and reversal of all the values of vulgar speech, the ceremonial of some strange, high altar.

In reply came word that the great evangelist had indeed wished to make the great mystic's acquaintance, and that after returning from a six months' circuit he would give himself the pleasure of waiting upon Swedenborg. "Too late," was the aged philosopher's comment as the story goes, "too late; for on the 29th of March I shall be in the world of spirits never more to return."

Blake in one of his prophetic books sings man's 'fall into Division and his resurrection into Unity. And when we look about us and consider but the common use of words, how do we find the mystic's apparently wild fancy illustrated in every section of our commonplace lives.

Some of us find it hard enough to be dignified when we have done right; but Foxy could be dignified when she had done wrong, and the more wrong, the more dignity. She was very bland, and there was a look of deep content digestive content, a state bordering on the mystic's trance in her affectionate topaz eyes.

The eyes were blue, prominent, even bulging, and had the mystic's readiness to tears, but their expression was singularly contradicted by the truculent Kaiser Wilhelm moustache. The man seemed at once a dreamer and a fighter, and it would have been difficult to tell which character predominated.

An old Armenian, whom Glyndon recognized as in the mystic's service at Naples; a tall, hard-featured woman from the village, recommended by Maestro Paulo; and two long- haired, smooth-spoken, but fierce-visaged youths, from the same place, and honored by the same sponsorship, constituted the establishment.

Even the cautious and patient investigation of truth by science, which seems the very antithesis of the mystic's swift certainty, may be fostered and nourished by that very spirit of reverence in which mysticism lives and moves. Of the reality or unreality of the mystic's world I know nothing.

It may persuade, it may win, it may inspire, but it may not claim obedience as of right. For the Voice of the God within only becomes authoritative for another when the God within that other self answers the Mystic's appeal, and he recognises an ideal that he could not have formulated, unaided, for himself.

His mind travelled from the physical purity and hardness before him to the purity and hardness of the inner life the purity that Christ blessed, the 'hardness' that the Christian endures. And such thoughts brought him pleasure as he walked the mystic's pleasure. Suddenly he saw a woman cross the snowy green in front of him. She had come from the road leading to the hill, and her pace was hurried.