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During the exposition of my plans for his happiness a certain animation had crept into this round-and-round-the mulberry-bush jamboree of ours so much so, indeed, that for the last few minutes we might have been a rather oversized greyhound and a somewhat slimmer electric hare doing their stuff on a circular track for the entertainment of the many-headed.

Here, in the last century, an old Heriot's Hospital boy once harboured from the pursuit of the police. The Hospital is next door to Greyfriars a courtly building among lawns, where, on Founder's Day, you may see a multitude of children playing Kiss-in-the- Ring and Round the Mulberry-bush.

Once again he hesitated. Should he or should he not? The old nursery-rhyme came wandering into his head with its innocent lilt of jolliness: "Here we go round the mulberry-bush, The mulberry-bush, the mulberry-bush; Here we go round the mulberry-bush, So early in the morning." "And so we do," he murmured. "Let's take a chance." The door an apple-green door was opened by a maid as trim as Ann.

Fain would I gyrate round the mulberry-bush and hop upon the little hills. But the waters of Jordan encompass me and Inspector Birch tarries outside with his shrimping-net. My friend William Beverley will attend thee anon. Farewell, a long farewell to all thy grape-nuts. He then left up-centre. Enter W. Beverley, R." "Are you often like this at breakfast?" "Almost invariably.

The worst of it is, you can't prove an alibi, because at about the time the foul act was perpetrated, you were playing Round-and-round-the- mulberry-bush with Comrade Downing. This needs thought. You had better put the case in my hands, and go out and watch the dandelions growing. I will think over the matter." "Well, I hope you'll be able to think of something. I can't." "Possibly.

Here, in the last century, an old Heriot's Hospital boy once harboured from the pursuit of the police. The Hospital is next door to Greyfriars a courtly building among lawns, where, on Founder's Day, you may see a multitude of children playing Kiss-in-the-Ring and Round the Mulberry-bush.

Instead, a man with a quizzical scrutiny through glasses that made him resemble an owl, stopped before her. "'Here we go 'round the mulberry-bush," he chanted. "Hello, Kate Greenaway. Have you had a drink?" "Yes, thank you," she replied sedately. "Certified milk?" "It was something with gin," she particularized, "and too sweet."

Jan continued to try and finish her letters while Captain Middleton, coatless, on all-fours, enacted an elephant which the children rode in turn. When he had completely ruined the knees of his trousers he arose and declared it was time to play "Here we go round the mulberry-bush," and it so happened that once or twice he played it hand-in-hand with Meg. Jan left her letters and went out.