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I was right in the midst of one of Morin's sketches, and, charmed and stupefied, I stood for some moments with my eyes fixed on the narrow window at which the fair girl had disappeared. "I call her my little queen," said Oscar, taking my arm. "It is my wife.

"Then the wolves had devoured her, and the birds had built their nests with the wool from her torn bed, and I took charge of her remains, and I only pray that our sons may never see any wars again." "There, my friend," I said to Labarbe, "you have just repeated those five words, that pig of a Morin. Why on earth do I never hear Morin's name mentioned without his being called a pig?"

This, as is well known, is a prevailing complaint with women. "You shall see my niece," she said, "and she will tell you all about herself." She wrote her a note, and put Madame Morin's letter under the same envelope. "If you want to know what my niece's answer is," said Madame Varnier, "you must dine with me."

I was obliged to declare that I did not know Morin's story, so Labarbe rubbed his hands and began his recital. "You knew Morin, did you not, and you remember his large linen-draper's shop on the Quai de la Rochelle?" "Yes, perfectly." "Well, then. The theatre every evening, women's dresses rustling up against you and continual excitement; one goes almost mad with it.

I saw with pleasure that I had to deal with a man of sense and education, but Valenglard, who was a believer in astrology, began an argument with him on the subject. During their discussion I quietly copied out on my tablets the date of Mdlle. Morin's birth. But M. Morin saw what I was about, and shook his head at me, with a smile.

Moreover, it was scientific Positivism that he clung to; in his hatred of all mysticism he would have naught to do with the fantastic religious leanings of Comte in his last years. And in Morin's brave, consistent, somewhat mournful life, there had been but one page of romance: the sudden feverish impulse which had carried him off to fight in Sicily by Garibaldi's side.