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You will not laugh, then, my friend, when I tell you that love is not to me a thing unknown. So runs a part of the last letter to my father that the old bookkeeper ever wrote. Mr. Mogley was an actor of what he termed the "old school."

She is sure to read your paper to-morrow. Will you kindly not speak of my failure in your criticism of the performance? She cannot live later than to-morrow morning, and I should not like you see I have never deigned to solicit favours from the press before, sir, and " "I understand, Mr. Mogley. It's very late, but I'll see what I can do."

He had never made what the men and women of his occupation designate a hit, or even what the dramatic critics wearily describe as a "favourable impression." This he ascribed to lack of opportunity, as he was merely human. Mr. and Mrs. Mogley eagerly sent for the newspapers on the morning after each opening night and sought the notices of the performance.

The dull gray light was stealing into the little room through the window as Mogley, leaning over the bed, held a fresh newspaper close to her face. Her head was propped up by means of pillows. She laughed through her tears. Her face was all gladness. "A new comedian discovered," she repeated. "Ah, Tom, at last! That is what I lived for! I can die happy now. We've made a great hit Tom "

The "Two Lives for One" Company "collapsed," as the newspapers say, in Ohio, three months after its departure from New York; this notwithstanding the tank of real water. Mogley and the leading actress overtook the manager at the railway station, as he was about to flee, and extorted enough money from him to take them back to New York.

Mogley had not returned too soon to the small room at the top of the house on Eleventh Street. He turned paler than his wife when he saw her lying on the bed. She smiled through her tears, a really heartrending smile. "Yes, Tom, I've changed much since you left, and not for the better. I don't know whether I can live out the season." "Don't say that, Alice, for God's sake!"