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The brethren had no witnesses, and when the mobber Bogart was sent to Far West for some, he simply arrested them and put them in prison. The result of the hearing was that Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Alexander McRae, and Caleb Baldwin were sent to Liberty, Clay county, to jail. Parley P. Pratt and others were to remain in Richmond jail, while some others were released.

Here he was hit by two more balls, and he rolled under the bed. Then Joseph went to the open window intending to leap out. Two bullets struck him and he fell outward, exclaiming: "O Lord, my God!" As soon as he had struck the ground a mobber set him against a well curb a few feet from the jail, and then, by order of Col.

"Thought you was a milishy man, I tell you, from the careless way you hollered one of Brockman's devils come back a-snoopin', and I didn't crave trouble, but when I saw the Lord appeared to reely want me to cope with the powers of darkness, why, I jest gritted into you for the consolation of Israel. You'd 'a' got your come-uppance, too, if you'd 'a' been a mobber.

The mobber heeded not, but blew out his brains. Thomas McBride, an old, gray-haired man who had fought in the Revolutionary War under Washington, gave up his gun to a mobber, and then pleaded for his life. The cruel mobber took the gun and shot the old man dead, and then another mobber cut him to pieces with an old corn cutter. Thus it continued.

Elders Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith were then ordained Apostles, the brethren prayed and sang and then dismissed the meeting, bidding good-bye to the eighteen Saints present. Not a mobber was astir that morning, and the word of the Lord was again fulfilled. Topics. 1. Governor Boggs' exterminating order. 2. Betrayal of Joseph and his brethren. 3. Adam-ondi-Ahman. 4.

On November 2nd a mob attacked a settlement on Big Blue River. They unroofed one house and were beating a brother by the name of Bennett, who was sick in bed, when a party of brethren came to the rescue. There was some firing of guns between them, and a mobber was wounded in the leg.

The justice would not do it, so the man was released. Three days after, this same mobber had the brethren arrested. It was no trouble for him to get papers from the same justice. As one of the brethren remarked at the time, "Although we could not obtain a warrant against him for breaking open the store, he had gotten one for us for catching him at it!" Topics. 1.

Levi Williams, a mobber and Baptist preacher, four men sent bullets into his body. Then the mob fled, and the whole town of Carthage with them, fearing the vengeance of the people of Nauvoo. But vengeance is the Lord's. Willard Richards was not hurt. That night he spent in attending to his wounded brother, John Taylor, and watching over the dead bodies of the Prophet and Patriarch.