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His daughter you gave to wife to his apprentice, a strong, stolid man, capable of heroism, Patty, for he died for you, his dear misleader, on the shameful scaffold, though all the crowd knew who his instigator was; but, like a man, he died and never told." "Van Dorn, you hurt me," Patty broke out; "I cannot laugh to-day, and these tales depress me, honey. Where shall we go when you are well?"

That Granny had at least seen her way to moralising on the way appearances might dupe us, and how sad it would be if, after all, such a respectable-looking old person should be an associatethieves, a misleader of youth, and a fraud. But Mrs. Picture found little to say to herself, and nothing to say to anybody else, about Strides Cottage.

'Were I to leave that young woman behind me, on shore, I should be giving the devil warrant to seize upon his prey, said Captain Welsh, turning his gaze from the boat which conveyed Kiomi and Mabel to the barque Priscilla. He had information that the misleader of her youth was hunting her. He and I parted, and for ever, at a corner of crossways in the central city.

We must be the saviors of Israel. Today must a resolution be passed, and whatever is resolved upon must be carried out without regard to any other consideration. Do we all agree to this?" And all the Sanhedrin as one man cried out: "We do." Up sprang a priest to emphasize his vote: "A stop must be put to the course of this misleader."

If ever the tide turns, surely the first step will be to hang the great misleaders of the people as the pirates used to be along the House of Commons terrace by the river as a sign to mankind, and send the rest for ever back into silence and impotence." * Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. Whether a man be a pirate is a matter of fact. Whether he be a misleader of the people is a matter of opinion.

The auction between Cleon and the sausage-seller in Aristophanes is a fair caricature of what would be always going on. Such an institution would be a perpetual blister applied to the most peccant parts of human nature. It amounts to offering 658 prizes for the most successful flatterer, the most adroit misleader of a body of his fellow-countrymen.

'Gothic' is plainly a misnomer, and has often proved a misleader as well, when applied to a style of architecture which belongs not to one, but to all the Germanic tribes; which, moreover, did not come into existence till many centuries after any people called Goths had ceased from the earth.