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"I should like to try and milk a cow," exclaimed Reginald, who felt ambitious to imitate his cousins' example and make himself useful. "We have two more heifers to milk, and you shall try; but I don't think you will succeed at first," said Paul. Reginald was determined to make an attempt.

Then the working and the washing of it to free it from the milk and the final packing into tub or firkin, its fresh odour in the air what a picture it was! How much of the virtue of the farm went each year into those firkins! Literally the cream of the land.

"Do not tell me of making live figures out of snow. Come, wife; this little stranger must not stay out in the bleak air a moment longer. We will bring her into the parlor; and you shall give her a supper of warm bread and milk, and make her as comfortable as you can.

It seems that these men were one day carrying some milk to Vang Khan's house or tent, and there they overheard a conversation between Vang Khan and his wife, by which they learned the particulars of the plan formed for Temujin's destruction. The expedition was to set out, they heard, on the following morning.

She is clad in a black velvet bodice and russet skirt, and has no iron about her of any description, unless, indeed, it is in her blood, where it ought to be. The breath of kine waiting to be relieved of their honest milk, which is a good, solid kind of fluid in such places, and meanders about the land with great freedom in company with honey.

The alveoli contained a secretion which was almost certainly milk, O'Donoghue states that the entire series of growth changes in these animals up to twenty-one days after heat in identical with that which occurs in normally pregnant animals. Kinderh.

"Now, Marie," said Socquard, standing before her, "people don't come here to fling stools; if you were to break one of my mirrors, the milk of your cows wouldn't pay for the damage." "Pere Socquard, your daughter is a reptile; I'm worth a dozen of her, I'd have you know.

He was happy when he got his first cocoanut shell full of sweet rich milk. His goat herd grew. He soon had five goats. He had no more room in his yard. He could not provide food enough. He must let them out. He must make another hedge around his yard so that the goats could get food and yet be kept from going away. He got stakes from the woods and gathered them before his cave.

These are pure stimulants, supplying no tissue-building element, and taking the place of nutritious beverages that do, such as milk and cocoa. After a child is old enough to be permitted to partake with discrimination of the general food of the table, he should be allowed to eat with the family.

Puffs for dessert are delicate and nice; take one pint of milk and cream each, the whites of four eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one heaping cupful of sifted flour, one scant cupful of powdered sugar, add a little grated lemon peel and a little salt; beat these all together till very light, bake in gem-pans, sift pulverized sugar over them and eat with sauce flavored with lemon.