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The final page of the diary had evidently been Cavour's dying thoughts. In a handwriting increasingly ragged and untidy, Cavour had indited a paragraph forgiving the world for its scorn, hoping that some day mankind would indeed have easy access to the stars. The paragraph ended in midsentence. It was, thought Alan, a moving testament from a great human being.

He cut himself off in midsentence, as the computer displayed both Hot Rod, swaying gently as she fought out the battle of the focus through its final moments, and a telescopic view of Greenland, a tiny, glowing coal of red showing at the center of her focus. Through the door nearly catapulted the first of the Project Hot Rodders, followed almost on his heels by twelve more.

We've never gotten to first base with these people, and as soon as you land you have one working for you. You can't stop people from thinking about it, you being a newcomer and a stranger. After all, it looks a little odd " He broke off in midsentence as Brion looked at him in cold fury. "I can't stop people from thinking about it but I can stop them from talking.

Swift invited him to join them for dessert. Ames, however, declined politely. "Thank you, but I just finished dinner myself," he explained. "I dropped by to " Once again Ames's voice trailed off in midsentence, as he reached into the side pocket of his coat. "My amulet!" he gasped. "It's gone!" "Are you sure?" Tom said with quick concern. Ames nodded as he frantically tried all his other pockets.