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"You see the place is Radical in the main, with the mills at Gledfoot and the weavers at Gledsmuir. Up in Glenavelin they are more or less Conservative. Merkland gets in usually by a small majority because he is a local man and has a good deal of property down the Gled. If two strangers fought it the Radical would win; as it is it is pretty much of a toss-up either way."

"I don't think I can," said the possibility slowly. "You see, only to-day I told that man Stocks that Merkland would not resign, and that I was sick of party politics and would not interfere with his chances. The poor beggar is desperately keen, and if I stood now he would think me disingenuous." "But there is no reason why he should not know the truth.

"I saw Merkland to-day, and he spoke his farewell to politics. The Whips told me about it yesterday." "Merkland! But he always raised that scare!" "He is serious this time. He has sold his town house." "Then that settles it. Lewis shall stand in his place." "Good," said the great man. "We want experts. He would strengthen your feeble hands and confirm your tottering knees, Tommy."

The poor man is going to travel, as his health is bad; he wrote me this morning. Now who is to take his place? And I wish you'd get me the recipe for this tomato soup." Lewis unravelled the tangled skein of his aunt's questions. "I heard about Merkland last night from Wratislaw. I think, perhaps, I had better make a confession to everybody.

"Whew!" said George. "Poor beggar, to have such stuff written about him!" The fourth discussed the possible retirement of Sir Robert Merkland, the member for Gledsmuir, and his possible successor. Mr. Haystoun's name was mentioned, "though indeed," said the wiseacre, "that gentleman has never shown any decided leanings to practical politics.

You can tell him that you only heard about Merkland to-night, and that you act only in deference to strong external pressure." "In that case he would think me a fool. I have a bad enough reputation for lack of seriousness in these matters already.

This graceful person will complicate things for me, for I am to represent the Office in the Commons if we get back with a decent majority." Lewis held out a cordial hand. "I congratulate you, Tommy. Now beginneth the end, and may I be spared to see!" "I hope you may, and it's on this I want to talk to you. Merkland has resigned; it will be in the papers to-morrow.