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"Well, then, you shouldn't talk so in your sleep." "True enough." "Well, no matter, Minny; it wasn't my Bernard you mean't, I am quite sure. May be you were talking about those priests on that great snowy mountain, somewhere in the world, which you made me so sleepy reading about the other evening?" "The Monks of St. Bernard, Miss." "Yes; how droll!" "Will you get up, Miss Della?"

"Dick's the only one he could go for, 'cause 'twas so dark, he couldn't spot the rest of us," put in Carrots, hastily. "Ye needn't try to sneak out o' it that way," cried Dick, sharply. "If I get took up, you'll be, too." "D'ye mean't you'd give us away after gettin' us into it, jest ter help you out?" demanded the other, in a threatening tone.

A half-uttered sob died on the woman's lips. A quick cry came from the man's. He reached forth an eager hand and had almost clutched the gold when a sudden change came to his face. With a stern ejaculation he drew back. "Boy, where did that money come from?" he challenged. David sighed in a discouraged way. It seemed that, always, the showing of this gold mean't questioning eternal questioning.

"Me?" he exclaimed, incredulously. "You mean't you'll let me run it alone 'thout you bossin' the job?" Theo nodded. Carrots' mouth slowly stretched into a grin of mingled satisfaction and derision, as he exclaimed, "All right. I'm your man!" "Then be ready to go with me at half past six," replied Theo. Then he added, "Look here what's your real name? Tain't Carrots I know.

At last some being very Cunning, found it out, that it must be his meaning Unite one among another; and even there again they misunderstood him too; and some imagin'd he mean't down right Rebellion, Uniting Power, and Mobbing the whole Moon, but he soon convinc'd them of that too.

He told them he knew they were Strangers to the meaning of the thing, and therefore if they would meet him the next Day he would come prepar'd to explain himself; accordingly they meet, when instead of a long Speech they expected from him what sort of Union he mean't, and with who, he brings them a Thinking Press, or Cogitator, and setting it down, goes away without speaking one Word.

Some concluded he mean't Unite with the Solunarian Church, and they reflected upon his Understanding, that not being the Question in Hand, and something remote from their Intention, or the High Solunarians Desire. Some mean't Unite to the moderate Party of the Solunarians, and this they said they had done already.

This most significant Word, deeply and solidly reflected upon, put them upon strange and various Conjectures, and many long Debates they had with themselves about it; at last they came again to him, and ask'd him what he mean't by it?