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If he only had time ... but there was no way of disguising the younger boy. And Thomas McKeever, strolling with Captain Campbell, had already sighted them, stopped short, and now was moving swiftly in their direction. "Boyd Barrett!" Drew had to release his hold and Boyd sat up, brushing bits of grass from his shirt sleeves even as he returned Mr. McKeever's stare with composure. "Yes, suh?"

It was lucky they had brought rations with them from McKeever's, for they took no more chances of trying for such supplies again. Once more they altered their advance, riding the pikes at night, hiding out by day. Hills then, and among them Bardstown.

In some cottonwoods, not far from the camp, they found his hatchet and his bag hanging to a tree. It looked for a time, as though the mystery of Hughie McKeever's disappearance would be one of the unsolved tragedies of the mountains. But a trapper, whose route took him along Thunder Creek that spring, noticed that his dog made a side trip each time, away from the trail.

So what's the difference? I think we oughta be movin' on, seein' as how we ain't really on speakin' terms with the law heah 'bouts." It would appear that Captain Campbell agreed with that. The order came to saddle up and move out. But they went with provision sacks slung from their saddles, a portion of McKeever's bounty stowed away against tomorrow.

Who could tell how much she risked by giving him that warning? Ronicky went back to his place at the table, still laughing in apparent enjoyment of the jest he had just heard. He saw McKeever's ferretlike glance of interrogation and distrust a thief's distrust of an honest man but Ronicky's good nature did not falter in outward seeming for an instant.

"Noo York," said Raggles. When "Kid" Brady was sent to the rope by Molly McKeever's blue-black eyes he withdrew from the Stovepipe Gang. So much for the power of a colleen's blanderin' tongue and stubborn true-heartedness.

"Tell me, then," said Ronicky quickly enough, for there was just the shadow of a backward nod of her head. "Just step aside. I'll spoil Mr. McKeever's game for him, I'm afraid." Ronicky excused himself with a nod to the other two and followed the girl into the next room. "I have bad news," she whispered instantly, "but keep smiling. Laugh if you can. The two men with me I don't know.