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"You are a trifle young for this rough work, though, are you not?" he ventured, noting Alex's youthful face. "You are not the operator who caught that K. & Z. man Sunday?" "I helped catch him," Alex corrected. "You'll do, then," said Norton. "And I'll give you a place here in my own tent," he added, turning and entering a small marquee, followed by Alex.

Brogoth, have a car called for Vall and Dalla." "Police car coming for us; it's probably on the landing stage now," Vall said. "Well, good-by, everybody. Coming, Dalla?" They had a few minutes to wait, under the marquee, before the green police aircar landed and came rolling across the rain-wet surface of the landing stage.

"I beg your pardon, sir, but our orders are strict, not even to admit an officer, without a written order from our Colonel," said the sentinel. "Where is the Colonel?" "In his tent, sir." Herbert immediately went on to the fine marquee occupied by Colonel Le Noir. The sentinel on duty there at once admitted him, and he passed on into the presence of the Colonel.

Montcalm followed him as far as the entrance of the marquee, renewing his invitations to the commandant of the fort to give him an immediate meeting in the open ground between the two armies. There they separated, and Duncan returned to the advanced post of the French, accompanied as before; whence he instantly proceeded to the fort, and to the quarters of his own commander.

I exclaimed, absolutely bewildered. Eve, who was standing by my side, clasped her hands round my arm. "It seems to me," she murmured sweetly, "as if dad were trying his reaping machine against some one else's." I looked at her demure little smile and I looked at the field in which I recognized very many of my staunchest opponents. Then I looked at the marquee.

"He occupied the marquee only while his men were building their huts," explained her father, "then afterward took up his quarters in that house." Our party now returned to their carriage and drove to Paoli some nine miles distant.

Until now there had been silence. Men and women looked at each other and clasped hands; and then Tom Bowcock, standing just outside the marquee with his arm round his wife's shoulders, lifted up his mighty baritone voice and sang the lines: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!"

"But I am afraid, from what I hear, that you have not been travelling very quietly." "You are quite right, Miss Travers, and I am a sad dog if not a mad one. But pardon me: we are nearing the marquee; the band is striking up, and, alas! I am not a dancing dog." He released Cecilia's arm, and bowed. "Let us sit here a while, then," said she, motioning to a garden-bench.

As the supports gave way the ungainly marquee commenced to totter and rock far more threateningly. The wind driving into the interior flapped the roof madly. The herded humanity within feared that the whole of the canvas above them would be blown off to be carried away by the gale.

The 52nd Division was allotted a camping ground on the south side of the bay, the camp being known as Sarpi camp. After the Battalion area had been pointed out, canvas was issued and the camp pitched. The only canvas available at the time consisted of a large number of hospital marquee tents which were to accommodate the men and about a dozen bell tents for the use of officers.