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To give an idea of how the comic lovers woo, we perhaps cannot do better than subjoin the following brief example: SCENE: Main thoroughfare in populous district of London. Time: Noon. Not a soul to be seen anywhere. Enter comic loveress R., walking in the middle of the road. Enter comic lover L., also walking in the middle of the road.

Gonsalvo then bites deeply into a bottle of carbolic acid and, just as the Coroner climbs into the house, the pictures of the modern lover and loveress appear in the newspapers, and fashionable society receives a jolt. This is the new and up-to-date way of making love. However, I think the old style of courting is the best, because you can generally stop a jag before it gets to the undertaker.

Polly! you are the most faithful 'loveress, as Maud says, that was ever known." "Don't flatter yourself that I 've worn it all these years, sir; I only put it in last spring because I did n't dare to ask for one of the new ones. The button came off the old coat you insisted on wearing after the failure, as if it was your duty to look as shabby as possible, and the curl I stole from Maud.

"Well, 'pears to me Polly did; she talked most, and looked funny and very happy all the time. Fan laughed a good deal, but I guess Polly is the loveress," replied Maud, after a moment's reflection. "Hold your tongue; she 's coming!" and Tom began to pump as if the house was on fire. Down came Polly, with heightened color, bright eyes, and not a single egg.

Gonsalvo then bites deeply into a bottle of carbolic acid and just as the Coroner climbs into the house the pictures of the modern lover and loveress appear in the newspapers, and fashionable Society receives a jolt. This is the new and up-to-date way of making love. However, I think the old style of courting is the best, because you can generally stop a jag before it gets to the undertaker.