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Had he not seen the red light he would have gone on, and the trains would have met about two miles east of the station. The detectives tried to trace the two brutal savages, but did not succeed. Yes, as long as I live I shall remember that Christmas when I was employed in the far west by the great Canadian Pacific Railway. Le Loup-Garou.

A werewolf, or loup-garou was a person who had the power of transforming himself into a wolf, being endowed, while in the lupine state, with the intelligence of a man, the ferocity of a wolf, and the irresistible strength of a demon.

I need not enter into the details of a hundred devices that I employed to circumvent this 'loup-garou'; there was no combination of strychnine, arsenic, cyanide, or prussic acid, that I did not essay; there was no manner of flesh that I did not try as bait; but morning after morning, as I rode forth to learn the result, I found that all my efforts had been useless.

They had already been informed that if they did not keep still when the lady returned they would be given to the loup-garou and other mythical and traditional terrors of habitant childhood. "Me stay 'ere all day. Den you come back an' stay de night, if you lak'. You tell me vat I do." The good lady found her endeavors useless, however.

The wind lulled, so that for a space there was stillness outside. Jolly Roger laughed a little uneasily. "Good thing we don't believe in ghosts, Peter, or we would swear it was a Loup-Garou smelling us through the wall!" He thumbed the tobacco down in his pine, and nodded. "Then there is South America," he said.

See! It is not the face of Moncrossen, but of the great chechako of whom Jacques told us. The man who is hated of Moncrossen. Who killed Diablesse, the loup-garou, with a knife.

He hasn't seen a priest for ten months or so, and he's afraid of the loup-garou, for all I know. So he comes down river, takes his Newport season here at Moisie, and goes to mass and staves off the loup-garou. They're all here now. Maybe you can get a couple to go up river and maybe you can't." Then observing Bennie's crestfallen expression, he added: "But we'll see. Perhaps you can get Marc St.