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Time did not go quickly enough, and she really did not know what to do to lengthen the way; these people seemed surprised at seeing her walk so slowly. What could Yann be doing at Loguivy? Courting the girls, perhaps. Ah! if she only had known how little he troubled his head about them!

A child happening to pass, came to her rescue: "Good-day, Mademoiselle Gaud!" It was one of the little Gaoses, one of Yann's wee sisters. Gaud kissed her and asked her if her parents were at home. "Father and mother are, yes. But brother Yann," said the little one, without intent, of course, "has gone to Loguivy; but I don't think he'll be very late home again." So he was not there?

He went over to Loguivy, Mademoiselle Gaud, to buy some lobster baskets; as you know, lobster-catching is our main winter fishery." She dreamily lengthened out her call, although conscious that it was too long already, and feeling a tug at her heart at the idea that she would not see him after all. "A well-conducted young man like Yann what can he be doing? Surely he's not at the inn.

He had simply gone to Loguivy to give an order to a basket-maker, who was the only one in the country knowing how to weave lobster pots. His mind was very free from love just now. She passed a chapel, at such a height it could be seen remotely. It was a little gray old chapel in the midst of the barren.

What a great way off Pors-Even was, and what a time she had remained! Now and then they met folks returning from Paimpol or Loguivy; and as she watched the shadows approach, each time she thought it was Yann; but it was easy to recognise him at a good distance off, and so she was quickly undeceived.

He never sat up late, being in the habit, like other fishermen, of rising before break of day. And after supper at eight o'clock, he had given another satisfactory look to his baskets and new nets from Loguivy, and began to undress calm to all appearances, and went up to sleep in the pink-curtained bed, which he shared with his little brother Laumec.