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When it had done so, Seaton calculated the distance, read the direction, and made a reading upon Osnome. "He's there, all right. Bearings agree, and distances check to within a light-year, which is as close as we can hope to check on as small a mass as a man. Well, that's that nothing to do about it until after we get there. One sure thing, Mart we're not coming straight back home from 'X'."

As they rejoined DuQuesne in the main compartment, Seaton said: "DuQuesne, we're nearly five thousand light-years away from the Earth, and are getting farther at the rate of about one light-year per minute." "I suppose that it would be poor technique to ask how you know?" "It would very poor. Our figures are right.

Nobody ever saw the message-torp. It wasn't to be expected. It came in on a course that extended backward to somewhere near the Rift where there used to be Huks and for a very, very long way it had traveled as only message-torps do travel. It hopped half a light-year in overdrive, and came back to normality long enough for its photocells to inspect the star-filled universe all about.

I know enough about astronomy to recognize the fixed stars from any point within a light-year or so of the sun, and I can't see a single familiar star. I never could see how mass could be a function of velocity, and now I am convinced that it is not. We have been accelerating for forty-eight hours!" He turned to Dorothy.

"Well, wonder how far I missed it on my first shot?" Seaton's crisp voice broke the stunned silence. "Guess that's our sun, over to the left, ain't it, Mart?" "Yes. You were about right for distance, and within a few tenths of a light-year laterally. That is fairly close, I should have said." "Rotten, for these controls.

One could imagine falling forty-two thousand miles, where one couldn't imagine falling a light-year. Calhoun was walking on the steel plates of a gigantic spaceship which floated among dozens of its fellows, all seeming derelicts and seemingly abandoned. He was able to walk on the nearest because of magnetic-soled shoes.

"That Lyad Ermetyne now," he said, "looks as if she either already is part of the main problem or is working very hard to get there. She's had a Tranest warship stationed here for the past two weeks. A thing called the Aurora." Trigger was startled. "But warships aren't allowed in Manon System!" "It isn't in the system. It's stationed a half light-year away, where it has a legal right to be.