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SAUNDERS. The Last of the Huns. 1914. HENRI LICHTENBERGER. Germany and its Evolution in Modern Times. 1913. W.H. DAWSON. The Evolution of Modern Germany. 1908. C. TOWER. Germany of To-day. 1913. Home University Library. C. SAROLEA. The Anglo-German Problem. Board of Education Special Reports, vols. iii. and ix. M.E. Sadler on German Education. Memoirs of Prince Hohenlohe. Germany.

I watched the audience on this occasion; they listened politely, a little astonished and bored, as if to say, "What business has this Frenchman with depth and piety of soul?" "There is no doubt," said Henri Lichtenberger, who sat by me at the concert, "our music is beginning to bore the Germans." It was only the other day that German music enjoyed the privilege of boring us in France.

LICHTENBERGER, Divorce: A Study in Social Causation. WOLSEY, Divorce and Divorce Legislation. WRIGHT, First Special Report of United States Commissioner of Labor: Marriage and Divorce, 1891. Mass is a factor in the survival of a social group. Other things being equal, that society will stand the best chance of surviving which has the largest population.

Wagner's Tristan has often even by Lichtenberger been described as a philosophic work; and as abstract thought or philosophy, it is said, is foreign to art, a work which admits it must be condemned. Let us first understand what is meant by philosophy. It is surely a train of thought in the mind of the spectator, not in the object which he contemplates.

Very different is the case when these dubious theories are applied by men with very modest scientific acquirements, or with none at all, to injure the reputation of a man whom they dislike. We may then fairly ask, with Lichtenberger, on which side the degeneration is more likely to be. These are the men who bring science into discredit.

His recognised biographer, Herr Houston Stewart Chamberlain who, with M. Henri Lichtenberger, has succeeded best in unravelling Wagner's complex soul, though he is not without certain prejudices has been at great pains to prove that Wagner was always a patriot and a German monarchist. Well, he may have been so later on, but it was not, I think, the last phase of his evolution.

And in the opinion of Lichtenberger, Rothe "is unquestionably the most distinguished theologian of the School of Conciliation, and the most original thinker since Schleiermacher," while "he also showed himself to be one of the humblest Christians and one of the finest formed characters of his age."

The progress of musical criticism was just as rapid. Professors of faculties, old pupils of the École Normale Supérieure, or the École des Chartes, such as Henri Lichtenberger, Louis Laloy, and Pierre Aubrey, examined works of the past, and even of the present, by the exact methods of historical criticism.