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In the afternoon one of the bluejackets was also seriously wounded by shrapnel. The bombardment was heavy all day, the Bulwan gun firing right over Convent Hill and plunging shells into the Naval Camp, the Leicesters, and the open ground near Headquarters. It looks as if a spy had told where the General and Staff are to be found. The market quotations at this evening's auction were fluctuating.

J. Peel crossed his Lonk sheep, both sexes of which always bear horns, with hornless Leicesters and hornless Shropshire Downs; and the result was that the male offspring had their horns considerably reduced, whilst the females were wholly destitute of them.

A Lincoln is handsome as a painting; in fact I'd far rather have one than some of the paintings I've seen. You want to get sight of one when its fleece is full! We have a scattering, too, of Leicesters and Dorset Horns, but the Dorsets are such fighters that I dinna care much for them. They will even attack the dogs." "I never heard of sheep doing that!" "Now and again they will, but not often."

That August morning, as she walked up the dusty road, fringed with blossoming golden-rod, toward the little cottage of the Leicesters, she was content, in spite of her tumultuous mind.

I think he was a passage agent or something like that. So he told us and among the group of officers gathered above him on the hurricane deck I saw now one, now another, turn away, and hurry out of the throng. A gentleman I had met on the voyage Captain Weldonasked questions. 'Do you know any names of killed in the Leicesters? The man reflected.

These were perilous times for the Davisons and the Heneages, when even Leicesters and Burghleys were scarcely secure. Meantime the fair weather at court could not be depended upon from one day to another, and the clouds were perpetually returning after the rain. "Since my second and third day's audience," said Davison, "the storms I met with at my arrival have overblown and abated daily.

And still the steady tack and tap from the right among the Devons and Liverpools, from the right centre, where the Leicesters were, from the left centre, among the 60th, and the extreme left, from Cæsar's Camp. The fight tacked on six mortal hours and then guttered out.

Doubts and Fears As the day wore on the news was not so good. The Meerut Division, which had delivered the containing attack in front of us on the Moulin du Pietre, was where it had been before it attacked, so the wounded said, with the exception of some units, notably Leicesters and Black Watch, who had apparently disappeared. Perhaps all that had been intended had been achieved.

"Lord Polwarth, whose very fine breed of Border Leicesters is famed throughout Britain, and whose knowledge on the subject of breeding is great, says that 'In sheep we always consider that if a ewe breeds to a Shrop ram, she is never safe to breed pure Leicesters from, as dun or colored legs are apt to come even when the sire is a pure Leicester.

These were perilous times for the Davisons and the Heneages, when even Leicesters and Burghleys were scarcely secure. Meantime the fair weather at court could not be depended upon from one day to another, and the clouds were perpetually returning after the rain. "Since my second and third day's audience," said Davison, "the storms I met with at my arrival have overblown and abated daily.