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Updated: August 19, 2024

'But you have as good as money, to me, at least; and I'll take it in exchange. 'What's that, Shorsha dear? 'Irish! 'Irish? 'Yes, you speak Irish; I heard you talking it the other day to the cripple. You shall teach me Irish. 'And is it a language-master you'd be making of me? 'To be sure! what better can you do? it would help you to pass your time at school.

Not unfrequently has his sudden appearance in the study-room at Lady Dundas's at once called a natural glow through the ladies' rouge, and silenced the gentlemen, when he has happened to enter while Miss Dundas and half-a-dozen other beaux and belles have been ridiculing Euphemia on the absurd civilities she paid to her language-master.

The sad grey life of England, the reflection of her climate, has ever welcomed a novelty, a fresh excitement. Society has in turn lionised the marmiton, or assistant-cook, self-styled an 'Emir of the Lebanon; the Indian 'rajah, at home a munshi, or language-master; and the 'African princess, a slave-girl picked up in the bush.

The old exile and the young one found each other out, and the language-master was soon an habitual guest at the Prince's table, where he was treated with the most affectionate attention. At last Louis Napoleon was obliged to repair to London, but before he went he called on his friend Mr. H. to take leave.

‘But you have as good as money, to me, at least; and I’ll take it in exchange.’ ‘What’s that, Shorsha dear?’ ‘Irish!’ ‘Irish?’ ‘Yes, you speak Irish; I heard you talking it the other day to the cripple. You shall teach me Irish.’ ‘And is it a language-master you’d be making of me?’ ‘To be sure!—what better can you do?—it would help you to pass your time at school.

His mute dignity is worthy of a fallen king. Griffith and I spend our time over him as though he were a riddle. How odd it is! A language-master captures my fancy as no other man has done.

Peter was thanked for the revelations, which had been a grievous effort to him, and dismissed. My father sat still in great distress and perplexity, asking me whether Clarence had ever told me anything of this, and I had barely time to answer 'No' before Clarence himself came in, from what Peter called his language-master.

One morning, when her language-master was expected, she went out early and stood upon the lower terrace, looking down the little stream which led to the Arno, as I have told you, impatient for his coming; impatient to know what sort of a person he would prove, and if his society might not break the monotonous stillness of that beautiful place. It was early yet.

Busy as he still was, the lawyer set aside his own affairs, in deference to the sacred duty of defending the memory of the dead, and to the pressing necessity of silencing Mrs. Gallilee's cruel and slanderous tongue. Arrived at Baccani's lodgings, he was informed that the language-master had gone to his dinner at a neighbouring restaurant. Mr.

She felt proud to know that he was an honored Professor in Berlin, though only a poor language-master in America, and his homely, hard-working life was much beautified by the spice of romance which this discovery gave it. Another and a better gift than intellect was shown her in a most unexpected manner.

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