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There can be no doubt whatever that the Russian army had suffered one of the most overwhelming defeats in its history, and that after a fortnight's hard marching and nine days' hard fighting, with little food or sleep, it had been reduced by terrible losses and depressing fatigues to a condition bordering on extermination. Such was the result of Kuropatkin's first attempt to assume the offensive.

He and Abdul Hamid II first met in the pages of a fat new history of the Turkish Revolution having a white star and crescent on the cover and perhaps half a hundred pictures inside. The book immediately supplanted the encyclopædia and General Kuropatkin's illustrated memoirs of the Russo-Japanese War, in Bob's affections.

Nearer and nearer came the rain of fire. In vain they listened for the booming of Kuropatkin's guns sweeping down from the north. In vain they watched for the smoke of the long-promised Baltic fleet approaching from the south. No rescue came. On the last night of the year, after consultation with his officers, General Stoessel signed the conditions of capitulation to General Nogi.

June 5 Lord Kitchener lost with cruiser Hampshire. June 11 Russians capture Dubno. June 29 Sir Roger Casement sentenced to be hanged for treason. July 1 British and French begin great offensive on the Somme. July 6 David Lloyd George appointed secretary of war. July 9 German merchant submarine Deutschland arrives at Baltimore. July 23 Gen. Kuropatkin's army wins battle near Riga.

The attack was preceded by a bombardment lasting four days, which battered into ruins the German defense along the coast line from the Gulf of Riga to Uxhull. The Kaiser and his chief of staff recognized the importance of General Kuropatkin's advance by hastening to the Eastern battle front on July 25. Killed. Wounded. Missing.

I wish they would go after him again and kick his crown off. I'll bet even money that the father of the first grip germ must have been a bombshell and his mother was some relation to one of Kuropatkin's retreats. It's dollars to pretzels that the grip germ is the busiest idea that was ever chased by a doctor.

There are many stories, too, of the inefficiency of the Russian officers, stories made all the more probable in the light of the Russian Commander Kuropatkin's memoirs to the same general effect.

It ended in the retreat of Kuropatkin's army, which fell back upon the line of defenses covering Mukden, the Manchurian capital. Here he was again attacked by Kuroki, who captured the key of the Russian position on the 1st of September, and held it until reinforcements arrived.

Strategists are agreed that, had Kuropatkin's plans found competent agents to execute them, the Japanese advance would have been at least checked at Liaoyang. In fact, the Japanese, in drafting their original programme, had always expected that Nogi's army would be in a position on the left flank in the field long before there was any question of fighting at Liaoyang.

But this damage was speedily restored, and as for the reconnoitring results of the raid, they seem to have been very trifling. After the battle of Heikautai, which cost the Russians twenty thousand casualties and exposed the troops to terrible hardships, Kuropatkin's army did not number more than 260,000 effectives.