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Now observe Kshattriya Romulus followed by Brahmin Numa. I do not see why Madame Blavatsky shold have so strongly insisted on the truth of the story of the roman Kings unless there were more in it than mere pralayic historicity. Unless it were of bigger value, that is, than Andorran or Montenegrin annals.

Just as in the Iliad it is the Trojan Hector who is the most sympathetic character, so in the Mahabharata it is often to some of the Kurava champions that our sympathies unavoidably flow. We are told that the Kurava are thoroughly depraved and villainous; but not seldom their actions belie the assertion, with a certain Kshattriya magnamity for which they are given no credit.

Why before Buddha? Why, then, should we not ascribe the epics to this Buddhist Kshattriya period? To Asoka's reign itself, for example? Well, it has been done; but probably not wisely.

But probably the day of the Kshattriyas was much earlier than that of the priests. The Marlow-Shakespear-Milton time was the Kshattriya period in English poetry; also the period during which the greatest souls incarnated, and produced the greatest work.

'from him there was descended a Kaitraratha who was a prince. All this favours the inference that Abhipratarin was a Kaitraratha and a Kshattriya. So far the Sutras have shown that there is no inferential mark to prove what is contradicted by reasoning, viz. the qualification of the Sudras.

The three ladies are the three arts of creation, preservation and destruction. They, thus delivered, go away to Heaven, showering blessings of victory on their deliverer. The meditations of the dreadful sage Viswamitra are thus broken off. His eyes are red with anger. Seeing Harischandra standing before him he cries out, "Oh wretch of a Kshattriya! I will burn you up as Siva did the god of love."

The Kshattriya bards made poems about the Great War, which grew and coalesced into a national epic.

The kshattriya-hood of Janasruti is further to be accepted on account of the Kshattriya Abhipratarin Kaitraratha, who is mentioned further on in this very same Samvargavidya which Raikva imparts to Janasruti. But why? As follows.

Well, the age of the Vedas passed, and pralayas came, and new manvantaras; and we come at last to the age of Classical Sanskrit; and first to the period of the Epics. This too is a Kshattriya age.

Evolution is upon a pattern; understand the drift of any given thousand years in such a way that you could reduce it to a symbol, and probably you have the key to all the past. So I imagine there would be seven interpretations to these kings, as to all other symbols. Romulus may represent a Kshattriya, and Numa a Brahmin domination in the early ages of the sub-race.