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Others in England were similarly astonished in later years to learn that a famous Puritan book of devotions was scarcely other than a reprint of Father Persons' "Christian Directory." The following day about noon, after an affectionate good-bye to his host and Mr. Blake, Anthony rode out of the iron-wrought gates and down the village street in the direction of Great Keynes.

The six years that followed Sir Nicholas' return and Hubert's departure for the North had passed uneventfully at Great Keynes. The old knight had been profoundly shocked that any Catholic, especially an agent so valuable as Mr.

William Harvey, Anatomical Excercises on the Generation of Animals, trans. Robert Willis, London, 1847, p. 462. Ibid., pp. 336-339. Works of William Harvey, trans. Robert Willis, London, 1847, pp. lxx-lxxi. Harvey, op. cit., pp. 462-463. Ibid., p. 457. F. J. Cole, Early Theories of Sexual Generation, Oxford, 1930, p. 140. Thomas Browne, The Works, ed. Geoffrey Keynes, Chicago, 1964, I, 261-262.

Mr. Keynes, in his remarkable description of Mr. Wilson making peace, says that his mind was slow. Doubtless it was slow in political trading about the council table, just as a philosopher may be slow in the small talk of a five o'clock tea. Mr. Wilson was out of his element in the conference; Mr. Lloyd George and M. Clemenceau were in theirs. Gradually the conviction entered Mr.

We are full of respectable fears and a general timidity in the face of conditions which we vaguely feel are escaping control in spite of our best efforts to prevent any thoroughgoing readjustment. We instinctively try to show that Mr. Keynes must surely be wrong about the Treaty of Versailles; that Mr. Gibbs must be perversely exaggerating the horrors of modern war; that Mr.

James had ridden away that morning, and that the servants did not know when to expect him back, nor what was his destination. In other ways also at this time did Sir Nicholas actively help on his party. Great Keynes was in a convenient position and circumstances for agents who came across from the Continent.

But this weapon likewise flying in pieces with the force of those furious blows he dealt on all sides, a bold knight of the Empress's party, named William de Keynes, laid hold on his helmet, and immediately cried out to his fellows, "I have got the King." Then the rest ran in, and he was taken prisoner.

It would probably be found, if records could be examined, that the mills at Somerford Keynes were not continually worked throughout the year, even when the supply of water had been left undiminished by modern engineering.

It was not until the party was riding home the next day that Sir Nicholas Maxwell and his wife were informed of Chris' decision. They had had a fair day's sport in the two estates that marched with one another between Overfield and Great Keynes, and about fifteen stags had been killed as well as a quantity of smaller game.

His name has since been placed on the roll of the Blessed by the Apostolic See in whose quarrel he so cheerfully laid down his life. News of these and such events continued of course to be eagerly sought after by the Papists all over the kingdom; and the Maxwells down at Great Keynes kept in as close touch with the heart of affairs as almost any private persons in the kingdom out of town.