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"Don't drive me to despair, Kathinka; I cannot live without your friendship, without your love. Why should your betrothed stand in the way? I am rich and powerful. I can give you whatever your heart desires. You shall want for nothing, if you will only look upon me with favor." And he again seized her hand and covered it with kisses. This flattering speech filled Kathinka with loathing.

Loris uttered a cry of fury. He had counted upon an easy victory over the poor Jewess, and he saw his wicked dreams rudely disturbed. With one bound he was by the side of Kathinka and wound his arms about her. "So you think to brave me, poor fool!" he said, savagely. "You think to escape me! But I will have you yet; you shall be mine in spite of your petty scruples.

She glanced hastily at the signature and with a cry allowed the missive to fall to the ground. "What is it, Kathinka?" asked the Rabbi, who had been sitting near-by. "Read it, father; it is from Drentell!" cried his daughter. The Rabbi took the letter up anxiously and his eyes ran eagerly over its contents.

He now realized, for the first time, the terrible danger which threatened his beloved child, and his indignation against the villain who had molested her found vent in vigorous language. At the same time he did not close his eyes to the fact that the rage of the baffled man would spend itself not only upon Kathinka but upon the whole Jewish population.

I'll tell you all about it, but not here. They might come and find me. Let us go upstairs, anywhere out of sight. Send for my parents! It would be dangerous for me to visit them, but I must see them before I leave." "You are not going away again!" cried Kathinka. "I must. It is death to remain here!"

Whether you be a doctor or a cobbler, we will not think the less of you, and I am sure Kathinka will love you none the less." Kathinka threw her arms about her lover's neck and clung to him affectionately. Joseph's face brightened. "Get me something to eat," sighed the young man, "for I am famished and the way is long."

Kathinka could not utter a word, so great was her consternation. Loris stood facing her for some moments in silence. "Kathinka," he said, at length, "I have come at the risk of offending you, to repeat the declaration I made some time ago; to tell you that I love you. Do you still bear me the ill-will that you evinced towards me then?"